New 2 x AA Terralux 220 lumen light

I guess it isn't nearly corresponding to 225lumens of typhical 2xCR123 lights. EagleTac P10A2 is also stated to 220 lumens but has around 170 according to a test I read somewhere. I suppose it's the same with the Terralux light. But that's really bright for a 2AA light, so I don't think you will be dissapointed if the Terralux is as bright as the EagleTac anyway.

Regards, Patric
I have one and like it, it was my dog walking light until I got a modded jetbeam from Sabrewolf. Terralux has two distinct levels, whiter beam than my fenix P20D, a bit more floody. Works nicely on Energizer lithiums, lights up my shed at about 60 feet nicely. seems like a nice light for the $. Enjoy!