New Browning Hunt master lights

Argh!!!! I just had my entire response written and it went :poof: I don't have any experience with Browning flashlights but I did go read the review of the one that you linked. I was amazed to say the least. I don't know much about LED lights but I don't think I'd go anywhere near that one. Browning claims the light will do 400 lumens for 3 hours on three CR123A batteries. The reviewer was very impressed with the light. He wanted to get a better idea if the claim of 400 lumens for 3 hours was valid so he conducted his own run time test which consisted of putting in fresh batteries and pointing the light at wall on high while he did something else. He would look back at the beam on the wall to see how it was doing. He noticed almost right away it seemed to be getting dimmer. He watched it and noticed with regularity it was stepping down in light output. He timed it and it was doing it about every 16 seconds or so. It would get dimmer each time. He called Browning about this and was given information that was supposed to have come from one of their engineers. The answer was that yes it was stepping down the current and therefore the light output and that was by design. The only way they could get the 400 lumens was to over drive the LED but then heat was an issue and something they had to manage quite carefully. They manage the heat by stepping the current down whenever the heat is above a cetain level. So, almost right away the light gets to hot and starts stepping down the current and thus, the light output. They said that most people don't use a light for more than a few minutes at a time before shutting it off and thus allowing it to cool down. Then, the next time it is used it will be right back at 400 lumens as it will have cooled down. The reviewer seemed to be ok with this reasoning. :banghead: So, the reviewer proceeds to turn the light off and back on THROUGHOUT THE REST OF THE RUNTIME TEST!! :huh::huh::huh: Then, at the end, the reviewer concludes that in following what the engineer suggested and turning the light on and off, that the light DID IN HIS OPINION MEET THE 400 LUMENS FOR THREE HOURS RUNTIME CLAIM MADE BY BROWNING!!! :wtf: I guess he thought it was ok if it made 400 lumens for a few minutes at a time and ran for 3 hours (total on time) if you shut it off every few minutes and let it cool down inbetween. :shakehead:shakehead:shakehead

I'm sorry, I think I have to go lay down now. I feel like I just read a LED light review written by the Onion. Actually, no, if that were the case I'd probably feel better because I'd know that it was fake and meant to be funny.

I think I'll pass on that particular Browning Hunt Master light.

P.S. Someone please tell me the review was fake and I just missed it, please...
I bought one of these a few months ago for about 80 bucks online. Its not a bad light, pretty well made, and gives the most even flood of any light I have..i.e. no discernable hot spot, but not a lot of throw even when you focus it to its tightest beam. It does step down only has a high and low, 2 stage mode, but it runs longer than 16 sec on high...I didn't time it though. I like the light, but for around 35 bucks a dealxtreme p7 light puts out more for a lot less money and you can run 18650s. If you are looking for a light with a very even flood beam, this is a good choice, but like I said, for general use there are better choices. rich