New CPF Member


*Super Flashaholic*
Apr 18, 2008
Hello everyone! I just joined CPF and I have been collecting spotlights for a long time.

Here is my whole collection: Sam's Club (Power On Board) 35 watt HID, Professional's Favorite 17.5mcp, Thor 15mcp, Sharper Image 10mcp (which is just a 10mcp Thor with some extra features) Dorcy 5mcp, Vector 3mcp, Johnlight Space Searcheye 2.5mcp, Brinkmann Max Millions II rechargeable 2mcp, vector 2mcp, Black&Decker 2mcp, Radio Shack Power Up Spotlight 1mcp, Work Force 1mcp from Home Depot, and a Task Force 1mcp from Lowes. I also have a very nice 3.5 watt LED Lenser flashlight.

I would really like to answer any questions about how my lights compare to each other or anything you want to know about them:thumbsup:
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Welcome! Nice list, but I see one Sam's Club 35W HID!:thumbsup:

Thanks kavvika! I edited the list in my post so now everyone will understand that a Power On Board HID and a Sam's Club 35w HID are the same exact light.
Gotcha. I read your post 3 times and somehow still missed it. I have to ask: now that you have some of the brightest lights ever made, what's next? You're already a "flashaholic" even though you just joined!
Gotcha. I read your post 3 times and somehow still missed it. I have to ask: now that you have some of the brightest lights ever made, what's next? You're already a "flashaholic" even though you just joined!

LOL, you are right kavvika, I really am a flashaholic! Next I would like to get an Amondotech Mega Illumintator (Costco Hid with 42000K bulb). I have always wanted a short arc xenon searchlight like the Maxabeam or the Megaray. By the way, what is your favorite light in your collection?
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Welcome to CPF! It's a great place to share your "disease". After all, we all know its symptoms and can help you with moral support as you try to adjust to them.
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It's definitely my first-run FM700L followed closely by my FlashCrazy-modded Coast (LED Lenser) with a V0-tinted Seoul. It would be the Sam's Club HID except for that it's a *little* too large to take for a walk, and it's at home while I'm at college. If datiLED manages to swap the emitter on the Fenix P1D I sent him to a Seoul USV0H, that could give the Coast a run for its money for second place.

What 3.5w Coast do you have? Any plans to get into hotwires or LED lights?

Oh, and you just missed BVH's VSS-1 tank light which sold a few weeks ago.
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Hi BlueBeam22 - welcome to CPF!

I just bought a Power On Board from Sam's and it blew my socks off! I have a decent collection of lights, and some of them pretty powerful. The highest output lights up to this point were a Boxer 24W, Mag85, Mag61, and a SureFire M6. Here's a quick post I put up with a comparison of these:

However, when I took my newly acquired Power On Board spotlight out, it left every one of them in the dust!! It is my first true spotlight, and I guess the flashlights can't really compete with a 10" wide smooth reflector and a 10 pound battery...:faint:

So, I've often been tempted to buy one of the 15 MCP Thor's when I've seen it in the stores. Which is your brightest/throwiest overall spotlight? How doest the 15 MCP and 17 MCP compare with the Power On Board 35W HID?

Hello everyone! I just joined CPF and I have been collecting spotlights for a long time.

Here is my whole collection: Sam's Club (Power On Board) 35 watt HID, Professional's Favorite 17.5mcp, Thor 15mcp, Sharper Image 10mcp (which is just a 10mcp Thor with some extra features) Dorcy 5mcp, Vector 3mcp, Johnlight Space Searcheye 2.5mcp, Brinkmann Max Millions II rechargeable 2mcp, vector 2mcp, Black&Decker 2mcp, Work Force 1mcp from Home Depot, and a Task Force 1mcp from Lowes. I also have a very nice 3.5 watt LED Lenser flashlight.

I would really like to answer any questions about how my lights compare to each other or anything you want to know about them:thumbsup:
:welcome: BlueBeam!

We're glad that you joined us.

ow doest the 15 MCP and 17 MCP compare with the Power On Board 35W HID?

Rich, my POB's are brighter and surprisingly throw further than the 130W H4 Cyclops.
:welcome: I think you'll enjoy it here. :D Now you need something brighter than that wimpy POB. ;)
Welcome to CPF! It's a great place to share your "disease". After all, we all know its symptoms and can help you with moral support as you try to adjust to them.

Thanks BVH! We all share this "disease" you mentioned, but it sure is a fun disease!
It's definitely my first-run FM700L followed closely by my FlashCrazy-modded Coast (LED Lenser) with a V0-tinted Seoul. It would be the Sam's Club HID except for that it's a *little* too large to take for a walk, and it's at home while I'm at college. If datiLED manages to swap the emitter on the Fenix P1D I sent him to a Seoul USV0H, that could give the Coast a run for its money for second place.

What 3.5w Coast do you have? Any plans to get into hotwires or LED lights?

Oh, and you just missed BVH's VSS-1 tank light which sold a few weeks ago.

Hello kavvika! Your FM700L sure is a beautiful light! How many lumens does it output? My vector I believe puts out 4000 lumens, followed closely by my POB HID that outputs 3500 lumens. My vector 3mcp puts out more lumens than any of my other lights because of its dual 100 watt 12 volt h3 halogens, so it seems to be the best in a ceiling bounce test, although my brightest lights are all pretty close.

My Coast Led Lenser is a Professional Use 3.44 watt focusable led that puts out 60 lumens. I am mostly interested in high power spotlights, so I don't have many LED lights, but I do plan to get an INOVA X Series flashlight some time soon. Please enlighten me about Hotwires.
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WOW - that's one heck of a collection for someone who just joined. What took you so long? :)


I have been reading CPF for the past few months, and I have found it very interesting. Only recently did I become an extreme flashaholic so I had to join! Good to hear from you:)