New D10 R2


Newly Enlightened
Jul 27, 2009
Hi all, I thought i would start a new thread here instead of clogging up Zeruel's fantastic tribute to the D10. I just recieved a new D10 R2 and have some interesting findings that may not mean the end of the original ramping UI. I had the same reaction as simon520's post in Zeruel's tribute when everything i recieved pointed towards me getting a SP model instead of an old ramping version.

The box has clearly written on it D10 R2 SP and also has the 3 different setttings in the features of the light on the back.
The instructions have D10 R2 SP on them and how to change the modes.
The warranty card has D10 R2 SP
The body of the light is the new olive or natural colour
The board is red not green but has the same layout and similar components to my old R2.
The piston is the new SP version with a smaller oring on the button of the piston.

However the body has D10 R2 no SP on it and it is a ramping version:twothumbs. I will try to put a pic up later.

To Zeruel you may have to update your amazing tribute with another version lol and just when you thought it was over. Again thanks for your time and effort you put into your tribute.
Great news!

My hope is when they come out with the XP-G version that the D10 ramping is still available. I read the tribute to the D10 as I have one of the first ones made and like the updates. From the thicker barrel, o-ring on the "button" end and red curcuit board things are looking up. Throw the XP-G in there with the upcoming medium tint and I can get a more pleasing color, no XR-E rings, more total lumens and a bigger hot spot.

Maybe Nitecore will debut the D10 XP-G neutral and cool white at the SHOT show? Please?!
Would you be so kind as to tell me where you purchased this D10 from?
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Hkelvisfever sells the ramping XP-E R2 version at ebay for $61.5. Even the description says "Variable brightness , not SP Edition !!!". However I believe it has the old piston. I bought the XP-E version from the other seller and the only difference was that the emitter wasn't XR-E.

I hope this helps.
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It sort of helps, but it would nice to have the newer piston. Thanks, paul
Sounds to me like they've got a bucket of parts at the factory and some of them have got mixed up - so there's some of the old ramping circuit boards getting into XP-E lights going into SP boxes. From the different reports (some with new piston, some without) it seems more likely that they are just mixing and matching whatever parts they've got left over from the old model rather than any coherent plan to produce distinct variants.

I've grabbed an old-style EX10 but still oscillating between getting a couple more D10s or waiting to see what happens with the XP-Gs.