New fenix olive models and clipless T1!

Sir Lightalot

Nov 8, 2007
The State of Denial
Quote from fenix store's website:
DEC 24,
"Today a shipment of the L2D Q5 and P2D Q5 Olive models came in. They are
available for immediate ordering. Keep a look out for new Olive models are they are continuously arriving here. We will add them to our store as them come in!"

did anyone else see this? i didn't see a l2d olive model on the website yet but i'll keep a lookout.:popcorn:
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this is just obscene, my original T1 isnt even here yet and already i want another one.....ARGH!!!! HURRY UP POST OFFICE!!! :faint:

Why do people want clipless? I think a clip is handy!
I've also found the T1 clip handy when sticking the light in a front jeans pocket. On day one, i bent mine away from the body a tiny bit, no worries.:thumbsup:
this is just obscene, my original T1 isnt even here yet and already i want another one.....ARGH!!!! HURRY UP POST OFFICE!!! :faint:


Dude, where did you order your light from-DX:crackup:

PTS and Brightguy have them in stock-no waiting.

Also a T1 without a clip to break off... That would be like buying a bottle of wine...with no cork to pop:grin2:
IMO the clip was the biggest flaw of the T1. It scratched the HA finish unless I was extra careful and made tactical use a pain in the butt with the tailcap design. I think getting rid of the clip makes it a much better light.
No clip would make the overall feel a lot better. Not that the clip is completely in the way, just that it would be a lot more ergonomic(?).

Off topic, but man is the T1 a tuff light. I was fortunate enough to receive a test sample David and the guys at the; however, I am away from home for the holidays and forgot to bring the cable for my camera, so I have been unable to upload photos and videos of some of the crazy abuses the T1 has received(beatings, stabbings, punchings, kickings, drownings, blowing up-ings:p.) I will be home 12-31-07 and will post all test as soon as I return.

+1 more on the olive green LOD.
I recall reading that the olive would replace the natural finish.
Dude, where did you order your light from-DX:crackup:

PTS and Brightguy have them in stock-no waiting.

Also a T1 without a clip to break off... That would be like buying a bottle of wine...with no cork to pop:grin2:
yes i support dx..but as far as i am aware of, they dont carry the T1 :ironic:
i got it from fenixstore...they shipped on the 14th...and im still waiting..i was hoping it would come before chrsitmas, but oh well...maybe its the bigger packaging...

yes i support dx..but as far as i am aware of, they dont carry the T1 :ironic:
i got it from fenixstore...they shipped on the 14th...and im still waiting..i was hoping it would come before chrsitmas, but oh well...maybe its the bigger packaging...


That sucks! (I knew you did not buy the light from DX...but could not help the playful jab :wave: )

I HATE waiting for lights to come...but soon enough they do. Enjoy your new light when it comes.
Oh man . . . .

And here, i promised myself not to buy any more flashlights until NEXT YEAR !

If you charge the light...and don't pay the bill to next year...Have you really broken your promise to yourself?

(this is why my retirement plan will be asking people if they need a sticker at Wal-Mart):shakehead