uh oh..yep..you've been bitten. No, not by a vampire, or a rabid dog, or a mosquito, but by something much, much worse.
You see, I am a self proclaimed psychic and I have already predicted your future:
You'll enjoy using your T1 for a while, but you'll find yourself coming on here every now and then for the heck of it. A few months from now, you'll probably see another light that looks interesting. The increments between your CPF visits will shorten, and before you know it you'll be the owner of 4 flashlights.
At this point you will receive a clinical diagnosis of "flashaholic", for you have been bitten by the flashlight bug, and there is absolutely no cure. All I can say is welcome to CPF and best of luck...and hold on to your wallet for cryin' out loud!
But don't worry, I mean, would anybody honestly spend more than 3 dollars at wal mart on a flashlight if they didn't truly appreciate the finer things? I think not!
BTW the T1 is awesome!