New Light at Sears?


Mar 17, 2006
While in Sears the other day, as always, I checked out the flashlights, only to find a new one by Dorcy.

I haven't bought it, since I'm waiting on a review, but wondering if anybody has tried this. Given the fact that their Super 1 Watt 123a was so good, I'm curious as to the quality of this. Any experience with it?

EDIT: Didn't see that other thread, unfortunately using Search for Dorcy didn't seem to display it anywhere close to the top.
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Zulu...Don't waste your hard earned $$ on this one! I picked one up about a month ago; the output is NOWHERE NEAR the advertised 40 lumens! In fact, on it's tightest focus, it's a TAD DIMMER than my first generation Inova X1. It uses what appears to be a Nichia Jupiter LED (...or a clone of one) behind a magnifying optic to give a ""moon beam" output with little to no sidespill, and again, disappointingly dim output. IMHO, stay away from this one! Dorcy HAS put out some good bang-for-the-buck lights in the past, but this ISN'T one of them! FYI...

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