NEW Malkoff P7 soon to be released!


Jan 19, 2008
Forgive me if this has been posted already, but I don't seem to see it anywhere. Malkoff is releasing a new P7 drop-in for C/D M@gs next week. Now this looks like another great creation by Gene! :thumbsup:

Here's the specs courtesy of

This is the Malkoff Devices P7 Universal Drop-in for Maglite C and D sized flashlights. The same module fits both sizes. It features a C Bin SWO Tint Seoul Semiconductor P7 LED. It was specifically designed for use with 2 or 3 NIMH Cells. The voltage input range is from 1v to 3.6v. It produces a smooth 15-20 degree beam with a very generous spill pattern. Though not a big time thrower it, will light objects out to approximately 350+ feet from the sheer volume of light emitted.

Typical Output Using Various Inputs:
Input Output Approx Lumens Current Draw Ma
2 x NIMH 500+ 2700
3 x NIMH 700+ 3300
Runtime can be calculated by dividing the battery capacity (Mah) by the current draw (Ma from the table above). Then subtract 20-25%. This will give a conservative general approximation of runtime.
It isn't what I had hoped for.

I wanted to see a traditional Malkoff Mag drop-in, with the emitter on a pedestal, correctly placed in the stock Mag reflector (or an aluminum replacement).

This appears to be a much smaller reflector (Fraen?), and is offset, like the Universal.

In my opinion, the P7 needs, at the least, a reflector the size of a stock Mag. I'd rather see it in an even larger and deeper model, like a 3" FM or Delghi head/reflector.

All that said, I'll probably try to buy one when they're released.
Looks interesting.

The pedestal design might be out of the "drop-in" category, because you would have to cut the reflector even further down than the P4 Malkoff...
Hello All,

I hate to disappoint anyone, but after a thorough ringing out of the P7 Dropin. I have decided that its not ready for distribution. I just can't be happy with it yet. I am sorry for the premature release on my part, and have decided to put it to the side for a little while. I have disabled the page listing.

Thanks, Gene
You wouldn't have to cut it shorter, just increase the bore to slightly over 1/2".
You don't think that much work makes it more than a drop-in?

I am basically considering... if someone can screw it up, it's not really a drop-in. :shrug:
In my P7 experience, the extra space/cost/trouble of regulation isn't worth it. When you're running one or even two hundred lumens, lost power means 60, 40, 20, 10, 5 lumens before you know it. But when starting with 800; 600, 400, 200, 100 is still very usable.

Please consider a regulation-free standard drop in as your debut P7. You can also improve it when application specific regulators start shipping.
You don't think that much work makes it more than a drop-in?

I am basically considering... if someone can screw it up, it's not really a drop-in. :shrug:

I imagine there's someone out there who can screw up just cutting the cam off the stock reflector, or inserting the batteries.

Just before I wrote that reply, I drilled out one of Litho's #5 light stipple aluminum reflectors, to allow me to use it in a P7 3D. It took me 10 minutes with a drill and Foredom. Another 5 minutes adjusting the height of the pedestal/reflector, and I have a dynamite beam.

On the subject of regulation...I'm both for and against it. I have three P7 lights; OOPS! Make that 4. A PR-T with a P7 and 2 parallel MadMax converters just arrived from Milky Labs!

Anyway, one other is regulated, a Mule with Flupic. Believe me when I say the variable brightness is valuable with an emitter this strong.

The other two are direct drive, a KL6 and a 3D Mag. They're just right as full out flood/throw lights.

For Gene's first P7, I'd be much more interested in the old style, in-the-tube pedestal sink. Maybe there's room under the sink for regulation circuitry, but if not, I can live without it.