New Mill Ordered


Feb 10, 2007
Thanks to Mirage_Man for the link and photos of all the mods to the stand I went and ordered a twin to his mill!

Here it is!

PS: Will, I will do my best with the pics! :poke:

Checked into the PM 1236, it's out of stock for at least 8-10 weeks :mecry:
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Thanks to Mirage_Man for the link and photos of all the mods to the stand I went and ordered a twin to his mill!

Here it is!

PS: Will, I will do my best with the pics! :poke:
Congrats on the Mill. And yes, please, at least 20+ pictures :devil:

I am also tempted, but must resist - RESISTANCE IS FUTILE !!! :crackup:

Checked into the PM 1236, it's out of stock for at least 8-10 weeks :mecry:
Sorry about that. Time does go quickly, more so since you will be playing with that new mill of yours ;)

Good deal! I'm sure you'll like it. And yes, better open that wallet for all the tooling you're gonna buy for it. :D
Free shipping until the end of the month too, right?

Man, I need to check my check book and get the old Bridgeport out of here. New machinery is getting me nervous...

And I don't even need that much tooling for it since I already have some...not enough...just some.

Congratulations on the new mill!!!

Bob E.
Free shipping until the end of the month too, right?

Congratulations on the new mill!!!

Bob E.

Free? Suure!

I entered the code for the free shipping on orders over $99 and it gives free shipping on everything except the truck shipping. ($298 :sick2:) So the mill with tax and shipping comes out to almost the same as the regular price alone. Shipping out of GA so it will be over a week, the small tools came out of NV and should be here today, not bad since I ordered it yesterday afternoon, especially since it has been snowing in the Sierras.

Thanks Bob.

The wife dropped the digital camera and the lens popped off:oops:, hope cell phone pics will suffice!
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Camera... Tools... Camera... Tools... Camera... Tools... :thinking:

Let's see... :nana:
OK, Got the new camera just in time for a 1-3 PM delivery tomorrow!

Tools! Got a big box full to get started with, just need to find a Rotary table?

Oh, and a book on how to run a mill! :eek:

Already have at least 3 projects lined up for the new toy!
So did it get delivered?? :popcorn:

Arrived Friday. Took pics can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

Downloaded pics to imageshack, Copied url clicked, on insert image in CPF, pasted url and nada?

See practice posting forum: Pic test-Mill.

Need to find some box tubing to make a base (sound familiar). Then arrange transport home from the shop. If not done by Friday it will be at least a week longer... going to Maui!

Maybe I should try photo bucket.
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Arrived Friday. Took pics can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

Downloaded pics to imageshack, Copied url clicked, on insert image in CPF, pasted url and nada?.....
1. Highlight thumbnail in Imageshack album, it should highlight with orange border (can select more than one photo)
2. Click "Get code for forums", should get popup with code. The code should be something like:
(except brackets will be [ ] instead of { } ones shown)
3. Select code and copy.
4. Close popup box.
5. Paste copied code into post.
6. Photo should show when post is previewed or submitted.
Thanks Don, I was off testing and think I have it, Lets see!

The truck Arrived Friday afternoon... when they said they would! That's always nice!
had it sent to my shop where I have a fork lift available and room to get it situated.


Hey, it worked, I'll do more.

UPS arrived days ago:

The neighbors Fork!


In my shop at work.


Didn't know it came with this, now I have 2!




Cleaned up


The stand is together, M_M is right It needs more altitude! even if just a few inches plus it's not so sturdy to be putting leveling feet under without a more solid base.


What is this thing?

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The mill came pre-wired 115V. The data plate says 115 V, 22 amps. The plug though is a standard 115 volt, 15 amp configuration!

Plugged it in at work, commercial here is 20 amp on all 115v circuits, it runs fine.

I think I will see how it does when I get it home where the 115v circuits are all 15 amp! If it can handle it under cutting load that would be great. If not and I have to run a circuit I think I will just rewire it for 220.

Woo Hoo! :party:
Nice looking machine, I would not be upset with extra clamp parts you can never have enough. Especially on CNC when you goof on the G code or don't watch your tool path close enough.

Also before you try raising the mill table, don't forget you need to access the top to adjust Z and use it as a press. Not just the X and Y handles.
The data plate says 115 V, 22 amps.
The amps on the nameplate are FLA (full load amps) which the motor will draw with a large twist drill, a big tap, or a heavy face milling cut.

Rewiring for the higher voltage is much better for your motor, as typical inrush current is 6x FLA. That means the 120v inrush is 132a, and the 240v inrush is only 66a. Also, the 240v FLA while milling or drilling will be just 11a, which heats the motor half as much. The primary cause of motor failure is overheated insulation, and the magnet wire in a motor has an insulation thickness of as little as .00099" :shakehead
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The amps on the nameplate are FLA (full load amps) which the motor will draw with a large twist drill, a big tap, or a heavy face milling cut.

Rewiring for the higher voltage is much better for your motor, as typical inrush current is 6x FLA. That means the 120v inrush is 132a, and the 240v inrush is only 66a. Also, the 240v FLA while milling or drilling will be just 11a, which heats the motor half as much. The primary cause of motor failure is overheated insulation, and the magnet wire in a motor has an insulation thickness of as little as .00099" :shakehead

Roger that Barry. In a former life I worked depot level maintenance on ground and aircraft linear actuators (electro mechanical boxes that move trim tabs, canopies, etc). After overhaul we tested the operating parameters to insure they would work correctly on the aircraft (fancy that). One of the tests was checking the stall load current or the current draw with the motor at zero RPM, like when you first turn it on or when the silly pilot runs the canopy up on roll out while the aircraft going 150 Plus. The excessive aid load can actually stall the device, and pop the circuit breaker and temporally trap said silly pilot! Unless he wants to eject at ground level, an even sillier trick! :crazy:

So I will probably will Run a 220 circuit and rewire the motor since it has that capability, I was just thinking lazy!

Conventional wisdom says you are right about 220v being easier on the motor, but I'm not sure exactly why.

Volt times amps = watts. watts = power. By doubling the voltage you can accomplish the same amount of power with smaller wiring since the amperage is half. :thinking:

Maybe that is it, the wire size in the motor remains consistent and is capable of the worst case (110v) so at 220v it has fewer amps running through it. Could this be why? :huh:

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