New p3d issue


Apr 14, 2007
hey all, finally took receipt of my fenix p3d-ce, just got some small problems, in turbo mode (bezel tight to body), after the turbo mode comes strobe right ? it pretty much wont go into strobe mode. and in normal mode, there's no SOS but all the regular modes. Anyone else have this issue ? i've tried two different sets of primaries. nothing else to test

Re: New p3d !! YAY

not to worry. lol the sos took so long to flash i thought it was broken and the strobe comes on after about 10 seconds of displaying a high mode.. haha silly me. :)

wall hunting displays a pretty ugly hotspot, the spill on this light is really kool... i dont care i'm happy :) pedantic people won't be..
Re: New p3d !! YAY

Still sounds like you have a defective unit. sos mode should start blinking imediatly, as should strobe. There is no lag between modes on mine at all.
Re: New p3d !! YAY

Whoa... wait... so you have a P3D without strobe and without SOS???


This is how the light should have been made. But what happens when you switch into the mode that should be strobe? No light or does it stay in turbo?
Re: New p3d !! YAY

no no, unfortunately i do. but it doesnt come on instantaneously. haha krikey. The strobe and SOS mode's are 'lagged', they dont come on instantly it's a few (5) seconds before it comes on, it's easy to skip through and not notice it.. i did.
Re: New p3d !! YAY

i also received my t1 tiros today, the built and finish on this is just amazing, it makes me nearly cry that the internals from the p3d are not inside the t1, i love it..
Re: New p3d !! YAY

ensile, i don't mean to scare you but mine received today as well and the strobe mode on mine does not delay.It will come out right after i toggle the tailcap switch from the turbo mode.
Re: New p3d !! YAY

really?.. damn.. yeh mine takes forever to come on, it's kind of lame if you wanted to snatch attention from someone for the moment they look your direction.. also my beam pattern upon closer inspection is actually quite crappy, there's a dark patch in the middle spot, and on the outer edge of the hotspot theres a clear gash in the light.. it's all skewiff. *sigh*.. gah! what to do.. prolly buy a p2d and give this to someone. this lottery thing is lame.
Re: New p3d !! YAY

i want to kung fu this light into the depths of hell.. my l2t led centering puts this p3d to absolute shame.. and the lag for modes is annoying.
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Re: New p3d !! YAY

I can confirm that also on my P3D both SOS and strobo come on as soon as I change level. May I suggest you contact the seller and ask for comments.
Re: New p3d !! YAY

yeah could be an idea. what luck! it took forever to get here too. 18 days
Re: New p3d !! YAY

Hey, that is not how my P3D behaved. Are you using rechargeable? Mine behave strangely with rechargeable. The on mode can be either medium, high, or SOS, and never low unless I use the Turbo.
Re: New p3d !! YAY

After much deliberating this is exactly why I am deciding not to buy any more fenix lights. I know these lights are "less"expensive than a Surefire or something but...they are significantly more expensive than a DX or Kaidomain knockoff and as such we should not have to deal with a QC lottery . I have a an old P1 I carry everyday it hasnt failed me yet and I like it and I was gonna get a P2D and still have urges to just get it but then everyday I read another poor blokes plight and I move on. I would rather spend $100 bucks and have a centered LED and electronics that at least work for a week properly
Re: New p3d !! YAY

ensile, email me and I'll pre-ship a replacement for you so you don't have to wait :)
Re: New p3d !! YAY

I've been quite happy with mine - the only problems I've had are minor: putting pressure on the bezel will sometimes cause the light to flicker or change modes, and apparently like many, the die doesn't seem to be centered in the lens, although that doesn't seem to have effected my beam. But still, I'm bummed about all the problems others are having; it's making me feel not so much like I bought a great light, but rather as if I've bought a questionable light and simply lucked out. I've been recommending it to my friends, but now I'm starting to reconsider. I can't very well tell them that it's a great light but to make sure they buy several to insure that they'll get a good one.
Re: New p3d !! YAY

4seven's i did email you immediately, but this computer is having issues with the email so I guess it never reached you, this was never to blemish your name, I just wanted to see if this operation was normal and turns out this is just a dud unit. Anyone who is avoiding a fenix light because of situations like mine, could be missing out on a great companion, it goes to show, that if you do business with a reputable dealer, there's going to be support for you if something bad should happen.

thank you for the support 4sevens :)
Re: New p3d !! YAY

ensile thanks for the PM.
About my P3D so far so good only 1 thing wich is my batery tube can't take unprotected 17670 even rcr123 3.0v & 3.6v won't fit,only primaries fit.
How about you guys out there with your P3D?Can it take li-ion?
Re: New p3d !! YAY

i was under the impression that it could, i never tried, i don't even own any. I only tested Lith prime.

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