New redesigned Mag Solitaire

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Newly Enlightened
May 13, 2008
Long Island, NY
Spoke with a rep from maglite and they said a new solitaire with a LED should hopefully come out by early 2009.

thought I share with CPFers
Fantastic! They'll only be about 10 years behind the competition. :)

In other news, Chevy is going to replace all their cassette decks with CDs!

Tis a great day for gadget lovers everywhere! :crackup::crackup::poke::nana:
Ohhhh I'm betting we'll see Nichia BS Emitters in there!
All joking aside... 2009 :eek: They need time to produce and stock up, but that's ridiculous.
If Maglite isn't the butt of all jokes in this industry then I don't know what is.

So sad especially since my first flashlight was a maglite.
You guys are loco with your Mag bashing. Calling Mag the butt of the industry is simply ridiculous. Have they the absolutely latest technology in their lights? No, not yet. But calling them dead is quite unrealistic. It just gets tiring.

As of a couple of months ago, Dorcy and Favourlight didn't have "Fenix" quality lights yet. I suppose they are both abject failures. Those fools over at Streamlight are a laugh a minute, too...
Mag needs a production, tri-LED(Of good efficiency), 2XAA or 1X(RCR)123 light.

An LED solitaire with 20-50 lumens with good runtime would make me pretty happy. But Mag seriously should step up their game, cheap junkers won't dominate forever. Heck, Energizer has 80 lumen production 2-pack LED lights already.

I vote for Mag to never create an incan again!
I have a great soft spot in my heart (and head) for the Mini-Maglite 2AA "classic" design.

Regular CPF readers have probably noticed this fact. :whistle:

However, Mag Instrument certainly deserves this "butt of jokes" treatment.

I've seen GLACIERS move faster than this !

" hopefully come out by early 2009 "

Whatta' JOKE ! ! !

Company Motto must be:

" Let's Not Rush Into Things "

( insert Loud Sigh here )

You guys are loco with your Mag bashing. Calling Mag the butt of the industry is simply ridiculous. Have they the absolutely latest technology in their lights? No, not yet. But calling them dead is quite unrealistic. It just gets tiring.

As of a couple of months ago, Dorcy and Favourlight didn't have "Fenix" quality lights yet. I suppose they are both abject failures. Those fools over at Streamlight are a laugh a minute, too...
LOL you're kidding right. My first few lights are maglites and thought they were mighty impressive.

15-25 years later same product without any change. And they're not to be ridiculed? :toilet::lolsign:
..An LED solitaire with 20-50 lumens with good runtime would make me pretty happy. ..

Isn't that what their 2D does? They'd have to fix their 2D's or it will look really silly that their AAA light is brighter than their multi D cell clubs.
You guys are loco with your Mag bashing. Calling Mag the butt of the industry is simply ridiculous. Have they the absolutely latest technology in their lights? No, not yet. But calling them dead is quite unrealistic. It just gets tiring


Just because Mag may not meet some CPFer's standards is hardly a reason to call them the butt of the industry.

And you can usually find some type of Mag flashlight for sale at some far-off hole-in-the-wall, miles from the beaten path.

You don't see many boutique brands of flashlights for sale in Two Dot, Montana do you? :whistle:
You don't see many boutique brands of flashlights for sale in Two Dot, Montana do you? :whistle:
Aye, Two Dots is the mecca of modern flashlight technology. :ironic: :nana:

There is that fancy invention called the interweb that's been available, oh I don't know, since the 90's, and a fancy contrapshawn called "personal computer" that amazingly lets people find the latest gadgets and flashlights where ever they may live. There's also this fancy payment thingy-ma-jiggy thing called "credit cards" that lets you pay with virtual money instead of that fancy two dollar bill.

Amazing how all them fancy stuff is, isn't it, slim? :wave:
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Aside from the build quality and (potentially) outdated LED, I wonder what the price will be for these? I bet that they will milk the ''New LED Technology'' slogan for all its worth.

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