New to CPF


Newly Enlightened
Jan 31, 2009
Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself to Candle Power Forums. I am currently a flashlight n00b, looking to become an enthusiast. With the advice of Jake25, one of your members, I recently purchased an EagletacP102C and instantly fell in love with it. :twothumbs I will be browsing these forums looking to pick up on some insight about all things flashlight!


Takes a long time before you really know what you want if you want to MOD any lamp! There is just almost too much info here!

Anyway, :welcome:
:welcome:, now you have something to use all you money for, one light is nothing and there are so many interesting and good flashlights around:
Welcome to CPF...the P10C2 are nice little lights...for a first light that was a smart choice.
hey aces....:welcome:
this is a great place to be. i learn something every time i come here. congradulations on your new light. may you have many more. :D
Aces welcome to the forum. Many great people here, from all over the world. I am from Alberta, born and bred. Let us know what you do with your light and what you think of it in a few months.
Welcome to this bunch of flashlight-dudes :grin2:

The first serious lights I bought were Maglites... many, many Maglites indeed (I now have over 30).
Only THEN I bought my first Surefire-clone, an Ultrafire WF-501B.

Although it's incredibly bright, it has many disadvantages (so much current daw from such small batteries as 16340s is not gonna last more than 19 minuten per charge....) and for those reasons I'm in for serious lights now (Surefire and Wolf-eyes for example)....

Your first light is a lot better... you make a "bright" start :thumbsup:

..snip snip... I recently purchased an EagletacP102C and instantly fell in love with it. ...snip snip...

well what do you know....a few days old flashaholic and he has already gottten in trouble with hsi significant other!!!


welcome aboard man and hide your wallet!
There is a new growing anti-cpf temperance movement out there. They're claiming that flashahol ruins families.:nana: