New to the forum...seoul p4 upgrade question


Newly Enlightened
Nov 23, 2007
Hi everyone...I'm brand new to the forum..guess i've finally faced the fact I am a flashaholic. (12 lights and counting...) And hopefully with the help of this community I can spread the disease to others :naughty:.

My wife recently bought a Gladius and I'm really pleased with it despite the cost. So of course its only fair that I too get one too :grin2:.

My question is in regards to upgrading the Gladius to a seoul p4 led. I have seen it mentioned in several threads here on the forums. What options do I have as far as getting this done. I see Strategos ( does this upgrade for just over $50. Any other options out there? I'm still learning about the technology behind these newer LEDs and I'm sure this is not as simple as just dropping in the new hardware.

Anyone running this upgrade having any problems?

Thanks in advance to your replies...see you around the forums!

I haven't heard of any problems. It's mainly a LED swap. Open the light, solder out the old LED, solder in the new, done! So it shouldn't affect the driver.

If you are feeling adventurous, you could even do the mod youself.
as described:

open head,
remember "+" and "-" wires and desolder them,
remove the old led (best if its one mounted on a Star)
put thermal paste on back of new Star and put in place, press in
screw or glue it to the sink,
insert batts and check function,
put head on again,

... if You are not sure on "Star" or led, just get the head off and make a pic of the emitter