newbie here with some ROP Q's


Newly Enlightened
Feb 6, 2009
i have a couple of 2D maglites that i would like to do this mod on and was wondering what my options are for the power source. i searched around and thought i saw someone running D cell rechargables as opposed to the 6X AA setup. just wondering what all of my options are before i jump into the fire.
Welcome to CPF, 97guns.

I'll move your thread to the OIncandescent section. You'll find other threads on the ROP there, including the R.O.P. Roar of the Pelican mini-FAQ/master thread, which you may find helpful.
can i run 3X cr123's , what kind out output and runtime can i expect from them. i dont see any rop modders running cr's
can i run 3X cr123's , what kind out output and runtime can i expect from them. i dont see any rop modders running cr's
That is because there is a limit to the current draw those cells will tolerate. You'll need to do some reading about the different types of batteries suitable for different lights.
Your options are anything that makes ~7.2-8.4V while being capable of sustaining ~4-4.5A loads safely with the amount of runtime you desire.

Within a 2D mag, that translates to one of the following options:

6xAA NIMH/NICD cells in a 6AA>2D adapter.

7xAA NIMH/NICD cells +1 dummy cell in an 8AA>2D adapter. (rest cells to prevent instaflash, not recommended for high current hobby grade cells, may require a "bored" body to accommodate cells 4 abreast)

2x *large* 3.7V LiCo cells, like AW C or alternative D size cells. (Only for experienced modders who understand the safety issues surrounding LiCo cells.)

2x 3.7V LiMn cells, 18650 or 26650 size (18650s can be purchased from AW as IMR18650s, 26650s can be "harvested" from various tool packs, that will require some research, these are relatively safe cells but have less energy density than LiCo cells).

All options have their tradeoffs, I see you have chosen to start with a 6AA setup, it's great place to start for mag-mods (your order will ship out monday ;) )

thanks , would anyone know if the 3 cr123 setup would work for the low power pelican bulb?
thanks , would anyone know if the 3 cr123 setup would work for the low power pelican bulb?

There are different Pelican lamps. I'm not familiar with all of them but with the voltage dip those poor CR123's are going to experience will probably equate to running a 6 or 7 volt lamp just fine . . . I guess.

Why are you stuck on CR123s for an ROP? There are better options, as mentioned already above.

If you want to have fun with $10 and 3 CR123 cells then check this out:

I haven't done it myself but it looks alike a great loaner or kick around light. This is the kind of light you can loan to someone and not worry about it a bit! Hmmm. . . I just might try this myself for grins! :sssh:
just because i have a pair of 2D units that i want to play around with and the pelican bulbs come with a low and a high power. i have a bunch of cr123's that i wouldn't mind using up.
thanks , would anyone know if the 3 cr123 setup would work for the low power pelican bulb?

:welcome: Yes, 3xCR123's will power up the 3854 low-output lamp. The 1.9 amp load will cause enough voltage sag to the cells where the lamp shouldn't be in danger of instaflashing.

Just make sure you're using matched CR123's.

i got my pelican big D's in the mail today and hooked the low up to the 3 cr123's and thers no instaflash, im just waiting for nightfall to come so i can see wht its really throwing. im awaiting some enloops and 6AA-2D adapter to run the high bulb with.

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