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Newly Enlightened
Jul 28, 2010
Hi guys im new to this flashlight stuff
ive been looking into em since mum came home and said look at my new work light then she turned it on i was like whattt!!!! - led lenser p7 which i now know is nothing compared to whats avilable now

so ill try and keep it simple
i want a light that throws far
something that i dont needa take a loan out on the bank to buy
preferably good runtime

im looking at a LED lenser x21-950 lumens but dam why so deer , heavy and serious looking
when theres a raptor crt3 that pumps 1200 lumen and is half the price?
which will throw further? the raptor is intimidating me to buy.

i want something thatll blow away the p7 and preferably throws a long way!! and is BRIGHT , just for the heck of it! the x21 is nice , but its too dam big , heavy and $$$$$$$$$

If you really want to go cheap, although it's heavy, the Stanley HID is the way to go. It's extremely bright, but it is a HID light. If you're looking to spend $300 and up, you have the Olight SR-90 (still kinda large), the Olight SR-91 has just been released and 4sevens is building an S12 and S18 that they'll be releasing at some point. I'm sure there are other options, but that's all I can think of at the moment. Good luck and BTW,
depends how good it is , show me what options there are $300 and under i guess

cheers guys

and whatever batteries it needs. if it takes a rechargable 1s lipo pack , great but i can always buy batteries:twothumbs
OK it just came to me. A Lambdalight Varapower 2000. I think it's your only option under $300 with the output you're looking for. I'm not sure if it will throw like you want (no experience with this light), but it may be your only option short of modding a light yourself. I could be wrong though. See the link below:
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Not sure about the Jetbeam, but the Catapult only measured at 600 OTF in BigC's sphere
Just saying, it's not the 900 or 1200 lumens the op is after, maybe he should be more specific.
the jetbeam rrt3 looks good.
will it be brighter or
throw further
then an x21?
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Hi guys im new to this flashlight stuff
ive been looking into em since mum came home and said look at my new work light then she turned it on i was like whattt!!!! - led lenser p7 which i now know is nothing compared to whats avilable now

i want something thatll blow away the p7 and preferably throws a long way!! and is BRIGHT , just for the heck of it! the x21 is nice , but its too dam big , heavy and $$$$$$$$$


Lol, it looks like you have some competition with you mom!!
OK it just came to me. A Lambdalight Varapower 2000. I think it's your only option under $300 with the output you're looking for. I'm not sure if it will throw like you want (no experience with this light), but it may be your only option short of modding a light yourself. I could be wrong though. See the link below:

Wow that is a great find. 190 bucks for a 2000+ OTF light is pretty impressive!
With the Varapower make sure you get the copper and UCL options, see BigC´s review w/Al and Cu, still a great deal compared to the others and you have a choice of emiters.
With the Varapower make sure you get the copper and UCL options, see BigC´s review w/Al and Cu, still a great deal compared to the others and you have a choice of emiters.

About the aluminum vs copper comparison. I posted in that thread hoping to help people understand that those are two different lights. What I mean is, the lights have the same type of components, but not the exact same components. I'm afraid that comparison was flawed from the beginning. There are far too many variables to call that a fair comparison.

Both lights are using the same emitter type, and both emitters have the same flux binning, but to be fair (and to eliminate variables), the exact same emitter needs to be used during testing for each heatsink type. Let me show you what I mean, and this is only taking into consideration the differences between one emitter and another, again the same type and flux bin, but two different emitters.

The minimum luminous flux for an SST-90 at 3.15A is 1000 emitter lumens, while the maximum is 1200 emitter lumens at 3.15A. That alone is a possible 200 lumen difference between two emitters that have the exact same flux bin, and the difference could possibly be greater than the datasheet specifies. Let's say the emitter in the aluminum heatsink light is on the low side of the luminous flux rating, and the emitter in the copper version is on the high side of the luminous flux rating; that could easily explain the majority of difference in output.

Look at the 1 sec reading. The fact that the copper version is almost 300 OTF lumens higher at 1 second should throw up a red flag instantly. There's no way almost 300 OTF lumens is being lost due to aluminum vs copper within 1 sec of turn-on. Now figure in driver variables, switch variables, human error etc., etc., and you can see how the results are not a fair comparison of aluminum vs copper, and that's not even taking into consideration that the guy at Lambdalights did other modifications to improve the output of the copper version for BigC (see this post)

BigC is currently working on a light for a true comparison test, and if he uses the exact same light, swapping only the emitter between the two heatsinks for the test, then the results will be more accurate. I feel like the copper will prove to be advantageous in reducing OTF losses due to heat after possibly a few seconds, but it just isn't feasible that an increase in OTF lumens could be seen at 1 second due to the use of a copper heatsink.
so rrt3 vs x21
which will throw further
which will be brighter as a floodlight
For $250 Wayne, of Elektrolumens fame, will build you a triple XP-G Blaster NG that uses 5.5 degree optics running off 3 or 4 D cells.

Should be good for 1000otf lumens and run for a good length of time.

The bonus is it's upgradable when more efficient emitters come out.