Newbie Questions


Newly Enlightened
Mar 1, 2007
Hello. First I would like to thank everyone for contributing to this forum. It has been a great resource (I have spent about 30 hours over the last few days pouring over the posts). It looks like I have found a new hobby… I have always been interested in new technologies, and can see why some members talk about holding on to their wallets and the use of the term "flashaholic." It looks like I may also be infected….

As a newcomer I have a few questions that I hope can be answered. Please let me know if I need to repost this in a different section.

  • How do I sell/trade something on this forum? About 10 years ago I purchased a Surefire 9N for LE work. I have since changed careers, and consider it too big for EDC. I was thinking of selling/trading this to a forum member to help start my new hobby.
  • I am thinking about starting off with two flashlights. I need a long runtime light to help me unlock my car during the long, dark, winter months in Alaska. I was thinking about a Gerber Infinity Ultra. I also would like a second brighter light for EDC. I was thinking a Fenix L1D CE, or perhaps the new Rexlight would work. Both of these lights would have to be AA (easiest for me to purchase here), and fairly small. Do these suggestions sound correct, or am I missing something? I used to carry a Photon Freedom, but got tired of it always turning on in my pocket (even when I set it to only turn on when pressed – the settings always reset).
  • I will need a decent charger (thinking of ordering some Sanyo Enloops). The last charger I bought was a Rayovac (I think it is an early PS3 – grey box with a white door). Will this work, or should I get a Maha C9000, or a La Crosse BC-900? I have read that users were having problems with both of these models.
Many thanks to anyone who can help.

Welcome to CPF!

To sell or trade something on the forums simply post a thread in the Buy/Sell/Trade forums. Title might go like this: "FSOT Surefire 9N, good condition"

The L1D-CE is probably bright enough. If the L1P was bright enough for most people last year, then the brighter L1D-CE should prove fine. It also has a lower output setting which may remove the need for a second long runtime light. I have a Gerber Infinity Ultra and I like it very much. It doesn't see much use nowadays but it is always there in my bag. I'd say it is a fairly bomb-proof design.

You don't really need an expensive NiMH charger if you just want to charge a few at a time. I have a relatively inexpensive Sanyo charger that I got from Costco for $20, and it included a bunch of AA and AAA NiMH cells, and it works fine, though perhaps one of the more expensive chargers can milk more performance out of a cell.
Thanks for responding.

I was a little confused about the B/S/T issue, as I read somewhere about having to have a subscription first. Is that correct, or is it as simple as just posting in the other forum?

Thanks for the advice on the flashlights and charger. Do you know if my current charger is any good, or do I need a new one?
You do not have to pay to post on BST right now. That may change in the future, however.

I don't know anything about the Rayovac, but I suspect it would be fine for your needs.
BST is where you want to post your want to sell post. better with pictures, beam shots, what accessories will be included and provide a review link to those who may not know what your light is. You can find these reviews at

Your current batteries and charger may still be good to use with your new lights. But I would recommand getting a BC-900 from amazon for about $40 shipped. Which can tell if "how good your batteries are" can do refresh, test etc.
I would first check how much run times you are getting with your old batteries and chargers first tho!! :):)
In the cold freezing weather, carry some lithion batteries (ie. energizer e2 ...) as a spare. Only these will work in the freezing weather.

PS. welcome to the forum.
Thanks for the replys. I know my older Rayovac recharger charges NIMH, but how well it does it up for grabs. I guess I will try to do some more research on it - but I do not think it is very "intelligent." Were some members having problems with the BC-900?

I also appreciate the advice on the BST. I have never done anything like this before. I will take some photos, and try to get as much info together before posting there.

Newuser01, you are right about the weather and batteries. I used to live in an area that would routinely get 40-50 below in the winter. Alkaline batteries did not work well at all. I have since moved to a slightly warmer (although wetter) part of the state. It was only 6 below yesterday!
NLite said:
Thanks for the replys. I know my older Rayovac recharger charges NIMH, but how well it does it up for grabs. I guess I will try to do some more research on it - but I do not think it is very "intelligent." Were some members having problems with the BC-900?

I also appreciate the advice on the BST. I have never done anything like this before. I will take some photos, and try to get as much info together before posting there.

Newuser01, you are right about the weather and batteries. I used to live in an area that would routinely get 40-50 below in the winter. Alkaline batteries did not work well at all. I have since moved to a slightly warmer (although wetter) part of the state. It was only 6 below yesterday!
This is a big improvement, as far as temp go......hehe
What I'm saying is use your exiting batteries and chargers, test your new lights with it and see how long would they run? You can go from there!!
BC-900, I recommand it. It had problems with melting the batteries and the casing on the charger on the older version. The new version v33 have not trouble as far as I know. So If you need it, go for it. I did a lot of reading before getting this and you can find lots of info here about the charger.
That said, Nimh cells do not work well in the cold neither.....So you will still have to carry lithion cells(leave some in the car, house, have where you need them.) and when nimh fails, load the e2's and be on your way.
So, get your lights, test it out and get the new charger when you think you need it. When you do get a new charger, get some eneloop cells...good results so far.

Hi there Nlite, Welcome to CPF.

First of all, you can post everywhere but, spend some time to read the CPF rules on posting which can be found at the start page. To sell or trade, you should also read the rules in B/S/T section, There are specific rules to follow when you want to offer or trade in that section.

Have fun and watch your wallet..he..he..he