Newbie to there a "Flashlights Modding for Dummies"?


Mar 17, 2008
Mississauga, Canada
I have been in this flashlights hobby for almost a year now. I have never tried modding any of my flashlights besides changing the tailcap rubber to a GITD one or putting in a GITD oring behind the Novatac 120P's lens. I am sure you guys hardly call that modding! :)

But I think I want to give it a try now. I want to obviously start with a cheaper light that I have and get more experience at it first before touching my KL4 or something.

However, I cannot find in the Threads of Interest any basic modding information or knowledge. Kind of step-by-step of basic modding skills.

Where can I learn about modding starting from the base up? Or is it more of just reading about someone else's mods and look at what they did and try to imitate it? I think that's kind of hard.
Maybe try modding a Romisen G2 with a new led and driver for starters, not much money involved ($20 ish), just to get a feel how to do mods.

Maybe try modding a Romisen G2 with a new led and driver for starters, not much money involved ($20 ish), just to get a feel how to do mods.


That sounds like a good start. Too bad I sold my RC-G2 long time ago. But I guess I can get one.

Can you give me some basics on which led will work with what driver? I guess I need some basic understanding on the led-driver-battery type relationship.
Why don't you try something easy with your Novatac like swapping the LED for the latest bin or High-CRI. You already had the bezel off to get the GITD ring. You just need to let the reflector fall out and then go to town on the LED.

You could also try to remove the module by taking out the retaining ring in the back of the head.
As another beginner, my advice is to practice your soldering
before even trying to mod a light :)
As another beginner, my advice is to practice your soldering
before even trying to mod a light :)

My first real mod was a Maglite P7 mod. I just read the reviews of other CPFers and then just tried it. But soldering was really the worst part. At first the parts I soldered always fell off but after using soldering flux it worked fine.

So the most important advice: Always use soldering flux.

Hmm, This is a bit concerting. If you are using the proper solder, it contains soldering flux in its core.

This post implies that you are using acid-core solder which is intended for plumbing only - never to be used on electronic equipment of any type.

Use only eutectic solder, usually sold as 60/40 (Tin/Lead).

Wiki is your friend:

As another beginner, my advice is to practice your soldering
before even trying to mod a light :)

Yeah, definitely. Rummage around and find some old lights to practice on and maybe get a few cheap leds to start. $6 to screw up a Cree Q5 is not the way to go. I started by pulling the stock leds out of my blackburn x8 and messing with them. They work well as test beds for further experimentation and I don't worry about it. Type in "how to solder" and read about it then practice a little. It's not to hard and it doesn't take long to improve but you really want to know WHAT to practice. Have fun and read some more, the internet is great!