Newbie With a Project


Newly Enlightened
Oct 4, 2010
I'm new and this is my first time posting so bare with me.

I'm a bit of a Steampunk fan and found these plastic tubes with end caps and a wire through it that look like some kind of Steampunk fuse. My idea is to run a yellow LED into to (more like hiding it in the cap) for a dramatic effect. I've played around with electronics and done some cool things, but since I've never attached an LED to a battery I was wandering what I should know, like: What type of battery should I use? Would a AAA be too much?

Thanks so much in advance,
Ju Ju
Well while the link you gave to the yellow LED doesn't give any specs "forward voltage, current draw" Most yellow LEDs have a vf of about 2.0-2.1 Vdc. I would guess that 3mm LED to have a current draw of about 10mA.

So a AAA 1.5 Vdc battery would not be enough voltage, two in series giving you 3 Vdc is too much voltage and current for a direct drive. You need a resistor in series with the LED.

I would use this link to calculate it...
Thank you that tool helps, but I have a question about ohms. Changing the configuration gives me the same W resister but the ohms vary from 33 to 100. What would happen is I used the wrong one?
The W of the resistor just tells how much heat it can handle. It doesn't reflect the resistans. If a resistor have to handle more W (the sum of V x A) than it's specified for, it will break. You shall always use a resistor that is specefied above what it shall handle. You can't have a too big resistor but it costs more and takes more space the higher W it can handle.
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