Newbie's steel question


Newly Enlightened
Feb 24, 2007
As a newbie in knives when i come into contact with the blade materials the 420J2,AUS8,154CM,9Cr13CoMoV Stainless Steel,1095.....
i don't know what are their properties such as hard,rust resistant or easy to sharpen...
What i am asking is there any newbie bible on properties on different material aviliable on cpf or other website or forum
There is AG Russell's steel guide but if you are like me then it doesn't mean much to you...

The best way to find out about steels is to ask. Or read a lot.
Hardness, measured in RC, is only one important factor in cutlery metallurgy. Generally speaking, a harder steel will hold a sharp edge for longer but there are other factors as well. There's hardness, toughness, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, carbide size... the list goes on.
Generally most people will rate the steels you mentioned as 154CM > AUS8 >= 9Cr13CoMoV > 420J2

I've never seen anyone really compare stainless and carbon steels like 1095. Carbon generally has many desirable properties where stainless falls short, this is because the chromium added to make stainless is a trade off for corrosion resistance.

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