Nice Mag 3D-mod


Jan 7, 2009
The Netherlands, Amstelveen
OK, let's have a look at the following parts and make something really shiny out of it :laughing:

1. A Mag 3D as a host,
2. A MagCharger battery stick,
3. A Malkoff Devices "D-size P7 dropin":

6V input is recommended for this dropin.... exactly the voltage of a MagCharger battery stick. This battery stick will fit the 3D Mag exactly! I already have a Mag 3D running this way, with a 6.5V / 700mA halogen bulb in it....

The newer NiMH battery sticks have 4000mAh and they will run for more than 2 hours in this Malkoff setup....

I think this is nice++ ! Did anybody do this mod already?

Interesting idea 325addict!

I have as well a MagCharger and a 3D. And a 6D. I thought about putting that Malkoff dropin to the 6D, but the 3D would be much more comfortable choice...
Do you then charge the battery in the MagCharger for charging?
Also I thought about 1/2 size D cells. Would they be possible to charge in a usual charger? I have the Maha MH-C808 charger.

Regards, Patric
The half D size NiMh cells fit in a 2D Maglight with no problem right?

The combined 6v would be enough to power up the Malkoff P7 drop-in, but you could also use the 3D Maglight hosts for 9v and the added mAh would be a plus over the lio-ons D cells. I think we have a winner.


Yes, it's indeed a very attractive alternative! But I think you meant 4,8 resp. 7,2V? Because that dropin will not provide full brightness with alkalines.
I read in another thread that it's possible to charge in the usual charger, but it requires a spacer.

Regards, Patric
I would just go for the MagCharger battery stick in a simple 3D host.

Charging can be done with a hobby-charger, or, as I do, with a regulated power supply with a fold-back current regulation. You can then set the current it delivers at a point you like, this way you determine charging-time.

Remember that, unlike the name suggests, a 1/2D cell isn't half the height of a normal D-cell! Five 1/2D-cells are exactly as long as 3 normal D-cells. So there's no way to actually fit in an exact number of 1/2D cells into a 2D host. The only OTHER way than the 3D host would be a 6D host: put 2 battery-sticks in series to obtain 12V.... and then mod your entire light to accommodate a H3 55W car-bulb :candle:

NiMH 1/2 D size and D size measurements.

32 mm x 36mm 1/2D
60.8mm x 32.3 mm D

The half D appear to be thicker and almost half the height.