id realy like to see a keychain light with this 😀
id realy like to see a keychain light with this 😀
The Lumen output is just slightly higher than a 0100 Rebel; 32 vs 35 @ 100 mA, 54 vs 60 @ 175 mA at max drive current for this type of package, while the Rebel can go to 700 mA or higher. The super-flux package will never see 1 watt power level, no thermal management.
And when the next higher power level of the Rebel 0110 is available the Lumen per watt will be the same.
The Seoul Z1 estimated specs:
50 mA @ 2.8 volts = 15.7 Lumens @ .14 watts.
100 mA @ 3.15 volts = 31.5 Lumens @ .315 watts.
175 mA @ 3.4 volts = 52 Lumens @ .60 watts.
The Rebel 0100 estimated specs:
50 mA @ 2.8 volts = 16 Lumens @ .14 watts.
100 mA @ 2.85 volts = 32 Lumens @ .285 watts.
175 mA @ 2.98 volts = 54 Lumens @ .52 watts.
The Nichia pwr70 estimated specs:
50 mA @ 3.15 volts = 20 Lumens @ .157 watts.
100 mA @ 3.4 volts = 36 Lumens @ .34 watts.
175 mA @ 3.8 volts = 60 Lumens @ .665 watts.
I don't see anything here to get excited about, sorry.
For "expensive" lights, the preference for brightness is probably true. The AAA Arc is an anomaly.For the higher priced lights most seem to want power no matter what the size of the light. The Peak Matterhorn standard power did not sell, less than 3% of the total sales over five years. The high power about 30% and the rest ultra power.
I can completely sympathise.The Nichia prw70 will find a very wide application in many areas. However the China flashlight manufacturers if using the prw70 in a flashlight will tell you that it is a Nichia but will use a counterfeit look-alike. They have been doing that for years. Sometimes they are good LEDs and sometimes not so good. They look at bottom line cost and not what the end product is, because they know that the buyer at wallyworld will look at a $5.00 light and a $6.00 light and buy the lower priced one. We have made over 8000 lights and our returns for service have averaged less then two per month. There are good reasons for buying low cost lights, generaly for non-professional applications. If you need to rely on a light, buy any good quality brand.
I have seen so much junk out there sluffed off on the the public that it upsets me and it comes out in my postings. To me its a waste of good hard earned money.