Eneloop abuse
You may have trouble if your charger can't tell you inserted it. To somewhat repeat the previous poster, the only danger would be using the damaged cell with others because of the difference in capacity, which would accelerate the damage once it's run down compared to the other cell(s). Best to use it for a one-cell application if it still works.
I once had a set of four AA Eneloops that died in my Fuji Finepix camera after sitting unused over a year and a half. Little did I know that camera drains a few microamps or so to keep the memory intact. (I had to reset everything.)
One cell showed zero volts, one had 0.3 or so, and the other two were around 0.7. I ran a refresh-analyze cycle on them with my Maha, and the capacities are now 1657, 1971, 1994, & 2004. The first two now work cordless mouse duty (A Rosewill that uses one cell at a time, and takes over a month to run down.) Not bad for batteries I bought in 2007. They've been recharged only about a dozen times, and for the most-abused one to still have 1657mah after probably being reversed says good things about Eneloops.