nitecore ex10sp (R2) battery question???


Newly Enlightened
Sep 27, 2009
Charlotte, NC USA
I've looked everywhere and I need some clarification. What happens when you use an unprotected RCR?? What's the difference if you use a primary and run it all the way down?? Thanks for any help.

if you run a li-ion cell all the way down it can explode on recharge. that's why you ALWAYS use protected cells.
The theory about using protected cells is absolutely right but you must also remember that there's sizes for which protected cells are simply not available (e.g. 10440, RCR2, 10180). If you take a Lummi light for instance the only available alternative is a non protected li-ion cell, there are no primaries of that size.
In this case the best solution IMO is to always keep the cell well charged. In my wife's Lummi Wee I put a freshly charged 10180 every Sunday morning regardless of how much she has used the light. Some weeks she uses another light but I still change the cell in the Wee.
Running it depleted,
Unprotected RCR > Die and can't hold charge anymore.
Primary > Dispose.
Thanks again for the info. I use non protected batteries but I never let them get that low. I do not have any protected batteries that fit. Does anyone know of what protected rcr fits in this flashlight? How many of you use unprotected batteries in your flashlights?

Thanks again for the info.
AW protected cell and a PILA charger.

You might need to cut half a turn off the wide end of the spring inside the piston if it's a bit stiff, but then it should work just fine.