No Thread Yet re. Gene's E-Update ?

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Newly Enlightened
Mar 27, 2008
Traveling but I got Gene's email update, somewhat

surprised that no one has started a thread yet re. it.
Gene sent an email... Outlines the new configs for his 2D mag dropin and 3-6D Mag Dropins...
An Upcoming CR123 primary only M31 etc...
Love genes work, but would like the M31 to be RCR123 compatible as well... but oh well... :whistle:
the M31 does sound interesting. CR123, 2xCR123 and 2xAA

M31 will be limited to 3.3V MAX

I believe he was referring to 1xcr123 2xcr123 and 2xAA twisty bodies

Gene also mentions that if you want to use a RCR123a then the m61 gets full power on 1 RCR
[FONT=&quot]However, please note that the M61 will perform to spec on a single rechargeable lithium
Hmmm, I wonder if the M31 on a 1X123 twisty will work with the two stage ring? That would be a KILLER little light. I would absolutely need one (or two.)
Traveling but I got Gene's email update, somewhat

surprised that no one has started a thread yet re. it.
We can't have people starting threads just to say they are surprised no-one has started a thread about an e-mail.

When there is something useful to say about the item(s) in question, that will be the time for someone to start a thread about it.
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