Nokia 282 flip phone - free


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2004
South Texas
Anybody want an older Nokia 282 Flip Phone - analog.

I guess it's about 8 years old. I stopped using it because it didn't work well in rural areas. Worked when I stuck it in the junk drawer.

I hate to throw stuff like this away.

If you want it, just post and pm. Free, but if you want to kick in a couple of bucks for postage.....

Edit: the batt is Li-ion BLP-2 3.6v that was almost new when I stopped using it. Might fit someones current phone.
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You might check with any Office Depot stores in your area. Several of them around here have a "Cell Phones for Troops" bin at the front of the store. Theory is they take what they can use, surplus the rest and give pre paid phones to soldiers.
Just checked with both OD's here and they've "discontinued the program". I like the idea.

Our Women's Shelter has a program for old phones. Since they'll connect to 911 whether or not they're on a system, they provide them to the appropriate clients. I don't have (or can't find) charger for it, so that doesn't seem to be an option.

Thanks, tho.

BTW - the batt was almost new when I stopped using it. It's a Li-ion BLP-2 3.6v. It might fit someone's current phone.

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