Noob help on dome light.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2001
St. Pete, Fl.
I recently bought a led replacement bulb off ebay. Small square board with 20-30 5mm leds and two leads connected to a base that fit in where the original bulb did.
Man it is bright and a vast inprovement over the old filament bulb.

I would like to make one myself to replace the 906 dome light. Wondering how exactly I will do this. I have a small breadboard that I will attach several 5mm leds to ,have done this before to make small lights that run off of a 9v battery.
but I have to use a resistor for the 9v and figure the same will apply here. What size resistor will I need to run 8-10 leds? I tried using a link I found here to a wizard, but it showed running several sets in parrallel, and I want to just run them all in series.
Any advice will be appreciated. It would be just as easy to spend the $15 to get a replacement off ebay, but I think it will be fun to make one.
I was in a simliar situation a short time ago with a Saturn trunk light that didn't work. I put in one of these and now it's much brighter than it ever was. I used that dropin because it has a regulated supply because that vary the current to the LED when the system voltage changes (engine running/off) like a resistor will.
I had thought of using such a unit too, bit it won't fit in the dome light housing. I may go the same route with the trunk light though.
I went ahead and ordered a DX domelight replacement.
There was a comment in one review about issues with voltage, but stated a fix about using a resistor with certain rating to overcome the issue. Hopefully it works well and at $7+ any losss will not be painful.