I have lurking here only a couple hours and decide to join. Great forum! I was looking at the "fave pix thread" and you guys have some nice skills/gear!
First question is this: where do you get the "defender-type" bezels for the mag lights?? I have a 2D maglight (only flashlight...again noob) and would like to get one of those.
Question 2: I would like a good EDC light that is not super spendy. Say no more than $75. I usually wear jeans or slacks so it would need to be compatible to be carried there.
Thanks again!
I just bought a Surefire A2 on Ebay for about that ($82 shipped)... in your price range, I've used and enjoyed a number of Inova lights - the XO (mine is 1.4 watt) is a great starter light for the flashoholic crowd, with flat regulation and four-to-five hours of runtime. I was replacing batteries maybe a couple times a
year EDCing one, and Target has them. You might also like the
Inova T series - these have tactical clickies, and stronger anodizing - and generally brighter outputs.
The Surefire E2 or 6P is a great investment, and you'll be able to tune both into the stratosphere for years to come - especially the 6p. Aftermarket accessories are widely available and frequently of very good quality or better. The A2 is a pocket incandescent with none of the compromises that usually drive people to LED lights - mostly low/high, and flat regulation.
Jetbeam has a number of interesting lights, but the humble C-LE 2.0 is a great little clicky the size of a finger with good long runtime on one AA. (If you can find 'em, use Eneloop batteries.)
Nitecore makes a couple great, scorchingly bright one-cell LED lights - the Defender Infinity at $79, and a new 123a light that should be about the same. These have something like 200 lumens on high, and while they really shine on lithium ion batteries, will eat absolutely
anything - lithium ion, lithium primary, NiMH, or cheap disposable alkalines in an emergency. They're some of the most exciting new tactical EDC lights out there - and practically invented the "tactical EDC" category.
Welcome to CPF, and hope you enjoy your new hobby.
BTW - make sure you find out if a store has any CPF specials! Fenixstore and Batteryjunction both do, IIRC.