Noob here w/ a couple questions


Newly Enlightened
Jun 4, 2008
I have lurking here only a couple hours and decide to join. Great forum! I was looking at the "fave pix thread" and you guys have some nice skills/gear!

First question is this: where do you get the "defender-type" bezels for the mag lights?? I have a 2D maglight (only flashlight...again noob) and would like to get one of those.

Question 2: I would like a good EDC light that is not super spendy. Say no more than $75. I usually wear jeans or slacks so it would need to be compatible to be carried there.

Thanks again!
Ans to Q#2: Fenix P3D-Q5 (there are other options too; i'm sure others will chime in with some - always nice to have choices), or a SolarForce T7 v2 Q5/R2 (make sure to get the "v2"; it has a memory and, personally, i find that invaluable).

Ans to Q#1: not sure, but until a more knowledgeable person replies to you, search the Forums for FiveMega and see what he has to offer in this regard.

oh, and welcome aboard!

sources: for the SolarForce T7 v2, try here ==>

and for the P3D-Q5 try or or

also, FenixStore and Lighthound offer discounts to CPF members, just use the following codes (respectively 8% and i believe 2%) when you check out:

CPF8 at FenixStore (i think it's 8%, hence the '8' in the code, maybe it's only 5% though, i forget)

CPF at LightHound
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THANKS! here is what i was talking about. posted by XPLRN in the pix thread

FiveMega has what I am looking for in the bezel. Thanks! I also like the fenix tactical models too. not so pocket friendly but nice. any input?
yeah, you're right. some like tighter jeans and the two lights that i suggested would produce an unsightly cylindrical bulge in the pocket. the L0D-Q4 could be carried in the watch/coin/key pocket of a pair of five-pocket jeans, i would imagine.
I'd suggest the Fenix P2D Q5 as a good priced all round pocket light, although there are plenty of other options depending on how specific your needs are.
I'd start with an AA powered light because the batteries are easier to find. Something like the L2D-CE Q5(8% off coupon at Fenix Store is "CPF8").

For the Maglite, check this thread for upgrades/mods for the light. I think fivemega has the bezel, and some one else makes them too, but I don't recall the name.

If you want something low price and a decent place to start, look in the current gen LED section of Dealextreme(Cree, Seoul, Rebel) for well reviewed lights.

The tactical models from Fenix are too big to be EDC for most people.

I know I'm going to go against the grain here, but there is nothing wrong with a nice little incan light. I carry a Surefire E1e everyday. and it covers about 90% of my light needs. plus it will always get to my other lights that are nearby when needed. I have both incans and LED's that I can use anytime, but this little just gives me so much pleasure. No matter what you get, keep it simple, and enjoy.

I'd start with an AA powered light because the batteries are easier to find. Something like the L2D-CE Q5(8% off coupon at Fenix Store is "CPF8").

For the Maglite, check this thread for upgrades/mods for the light. I think fivemega has the bezel, and some one else makes them too, but I don't recall the name.

If you want something low price and a decent place to start, look in the current gen LED section of Dealextreme(Cree, Seoul, Rebel) for well reviewed lights.

The tactical models from Fenix are too big to be EDC for most people.


Thanks for those dealextreme linx! Nice lights on the cheap! :thumbsup:
I have lurking here only a couple hours and decide to join. Great forum! I was looking at the "fave pix thread" and you guys have some nice skills/gear!

First question is this: where do you get the "defender-type" bezels for the mag lights?? I have a 2D maglight (only flashlight...again noob) and would like to get one of those.

Question 2: I would like a good EDC light that is not super spendy. Say no more than $75. I usually wear jeans or slacks so it would need to be compatible to be carried there.

Thanks again!

I just bought a Surefire A2 on Ebay for about that ($82 shipped)... in your price range, I've used and enjoyed a number of Inova lights - the XO (mine is 1.4 watt) is a great starter light for the flashoholic crowd, with flat regulation and four-to-five hours of runtime. I was replacing batteries maybe a couple times a year EDCing one, and Target has them. You might also like the Inova T series - these have tactical clickies, and stronger anodizing - and generally brighter outputs.

The Surefire E2 or 6P is a great investment, and you'll be able to tune both into the stratosphere for years to come - especially the 6p. Aftermarket accessories are widely available and frequently of very good quality or better. The A2 is a pocket incandescent with none of the compromises that usually drive people to LED lights - mostly low/high, and flat regulation.

Jetbeam has a number of interesting lights, but the humble C-LE 2.0 is a great little clicky the size of a finger with good long runtime on one AA. (If you can find 'em, use Eneloop batteries.)

Nitecore makes a couple great, scorchingly bright one-cell LED lights - the Defender Infinity at $79, and a new 123a light that should be about the same. These have something like 200 lumens on high, and while they really shine on lithium ion batteries, will eat absolutely anything - lithium ion, lithium primary, NiMH, or cheap disposable alkalines in an emergency. They're some of the most exciting new tactical EDC lights out there - and practically invented the "tactical EDC" category.

Welcome to CPF, and hope you enjoy your new hobby. :D

BTW - make sure you find out if a store has any CPF specials! Fenixstore and Batteryjunction both do, IIRC.