Noooooo it won't move


Newly Enlightened
Sep 29, 2010
The blue houses, Kalix, Norrbotten, Norrland, Swed
I bought an old Surefire 3BL asp baton light, and now that i have had it for about a month, i tried to open it to remove the battery.
It won't move a smidgeon of a fraction of a degree.
I have tried putting a generous amount of oil on the opening and i even tried to use a polygrip, which despite fitting perfectly, didn't help a bit and marred the finish quite badly on the forward end.

It feels like the skin on my hands is coming off.
Should i try freezing it or something to reduce the size of the metal? It's pretty warm in here.
Anyone have any sort of home remedy for situations of this nature?
I hope i don't have to buy a second polygrip just for this...
Maybe try putting it in a plastic bag and boiling it? The heat will expand the material, like running a jar under hot water to work it open.

DISCLAIMER: I don't know too much about batteries + heat, so I'd advise against doing that until someone with more knowledge comes in and can say for certain if this is a good idea.
freeze it, then place only the part you want to open in warm, not boiling water.
the body will be marginally smaller, then end will expand.

This has worked for me in the past.
Assuming it is aluminium...

You could try soaking the joint area in an ammonia solution. This trick sometimes works on aluminium bikes with stuck aluminium seat posts -- aluminium oxide forms, basically creating an anodized weld which by itself wouldn't be very durable but combined with the pressure can prove to be surprisingly tough to break.

If it were a steel tube you'd use penetrating oil - maybe even WD40 might be good enough.

If you do get it apart, be sure to put some suitable lubrication on the threads. Chances are the original factory grease got removed over time and that's why the light is in the fix it is today.
Please can you share some photos of it, including the parts you are trying to unscrew?

Have you ever had it apart?
Did you replace the battery? What battery did you use?
Are the threads dry?
If so, I suggest you check out our Comprehensive Grease and Lube Thread, a sticky thread at the top of this forum.