Northeast windstorm


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 3, 2007
near Pittsburgh
Last night and today the Northeast got absolutely hammered by winds. The Allegheny County Airport registered a wind gust of 92 mph, made even more impressive by all the hills and trees that typically preclude very high winds.

I came home this morning to find this scene in my back yard.


That's not my trampoline.

All you New Yorkers and New Englanders might want to hunker down.
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We had major winds yesterday also, but not that bad. Worst part is we're recovering from massive ice storms.

Nice addition to the yard...
wow thats a crazy picture!

The city is ridiculously windy today - walking to the subway this morning the sky was mottled with plastic bags :D It was sort of a surreal site.
wow thats a crazy picture!

The city is ridiculously windy today - walking to the subway this morning the sky was mottled with plastic bags :D It was sort of a surreal site.
Yea, $@%! was everywhere..... When I got home I found the neighbors recyclable on my front lawn :(
I have a nice black leather BBQ cover, and what looks like a car protection cover in my back yard, with no idea where they came from.
It's howling here. We're normally pretty windy, being on the water, but this is unusual. Fortunately, it's low tide.

I can tell it's windy, because a 5 gallon bucket full of gravel blew over.
We were fairly lucky compared to some, lost a few big limbs, no power outages in the area that I have heard of, my grill cover was shreaded, lost my welcome mat, and an arbor was trashed. Water damage in the area is much more extensive with the rain, melting snow. with the frozen ground and rivers rivers it has no place to go, lots of flooded homes in the area.
Wow, sounds like you all got hammered pretty bad.

I remember a few years ago, we had winds of 70 MPH steady-state, with gusts to 90. That was pretty rough, and it lasted for about 3 days.

A few years later, we had a tornado come through, and a few really weird things happened -- one person actually had 2 goats show up in his yard, and I don't think anybody ever found out where they came from!