Northwest/Washington Get-Together?

May 19, 2005
Seattle, WA
This exceptionally sunny, warm day in Seattle has got me thinking about outdoor activities. Perhaps a friendly gathering of fellow lumen-heads would be appropriate. The turnout last September was good, and we may be able to get even more interested this time around. Who's up for something in the not-too-distant future?

Wiki Page

If anyone is planning on coming, or bringing anything, or has any location or date suggestions, feel free to add that information to the wiki. Just click "edit" at the top of the page.
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Portland, or here. I'd try to make it depending on commitments and location.
I'm in. I've been thinking about a get-together a bit lately; good call.
Kinda lonely up in here.

Hopefully as we get something more planned out people will speak up and come out.
Any ideas yet for a place to meet? We're growing close to the solstice so we need to be prepared for a late stay if we want to play with our newest toys in the dark. Or maybe even a camp-out perhaps?
No plans are set in stone yet but this year's family road trip has that area as one of the top choices. Don't pick the date to accomodate me but if this proposed get-together were to be during the last two weeks of July, I'd probably stop by!!
We're talking about a trip to "the Pacific Northwest." I've never been there. I was going to discuss itinerary with people at work who are familiar with the area. It's a road trip so options are open. I would guess Seattle is a must see? But we could always head south through OR first before heading SE back to northern Colorado, where I live.
I'm going to put up a Wiki page on my company server to coordinate. Not much info yet, but I think it will come in handy.

Snoqualmie area is very nice, and very dark.

We could get a camp site, but I don't know exactly where, as I've never camped there.
I'd love to see some of the Oregon guys up here! I'm trying to decide whether or not to move back to Oregon at the moment.
I've never done any camping in the Snoqualmie area. I'll ask some of my buddies if they know of anything good around there.
If we want to be meticulous about it we should avoid the time around the third week of June and July as that is when the moon is full.
Guess I should try and get some things ordered so I have projects completed in time.
I've never done any camping in the Snoqualmie area. I'll ask some of my buddies if they know of anything good around there.

Salmon La Sac campground over the Pass seems nice, though I've only been there for day use. However, you backtrack quite a bit up the road from Cle Elum, so unless you are a Northern Exposure fan and want to visit Rosalyn, the Teanaway campgrounds are actually about the same distance. I haven't stayed there either, but a former boss used to rave about the area.

I can't speak to either for flashoholism. Late sunset is cruel this time of year.
I am in, All of the places up on the pass are great even lake Kachees there is some great spots to camp. nice and dark (not a camp ground)
Also lots of water for fishing night............with flashlights!