Not sure where to put this... multi light review (real life usage)


Jan 12, 2007
Due to time constraints this has to be somewhat short.

Last night around 10:00 the wife and I decided to cap off our night out by doing a night hike. It was still fairly warm and there was on and off rain showers passing through.

We decided to hit the "Saddle Lake" trail here in Hoosier National Forest.

I'd never hiked this trail and its marked as being 2.2 miles long. Due to flooding that swamped some of the trail and making it impassable, we ended up walking 2.5 miles. In the end, we were wet and muddy and having a blast.

The hike started at the boat dock and she was carrying her Lumapower Lumahunter M1 (turned on low most of the way) and I was carrying a Tiablo A8 (never came out of the sheath), an IncenDio, and an N30 HID.

The IncenDio on medium is what I carried for just over half the walk. We then stopped to get a bottle of water out of the backpack and somehow my wife managed to accidentally turn the N30 on.

SOOOoooo... with a grin I said, "hell with it, lets just use it.".

I walked probably about a mile using the N30 as my "flashlight". Quite interesting. Anywhere that the lake popped up through the foliage, I decided to see what I could see on the other side.

All went well until re returned to the boat dock from the other side. I swept the dock and found two sweethearts sitting on a blanket. I promptly apologized if I had blinded them and moved on after they said "no problem man".

With that, the hike was done. Not bad. Average speed of 1.5mph over a 2.5 mile walk on a trail that was less than ideal under the circumstances. Next up on the list... Tipsaw Lake.

Anyway, since this mixed LED and HID, wasn't sure where to post it.