Novatac EDC!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2005
Houston, Texas
Looks like Novatac has changed their intro date for their new lights to April-May. It seems that they keep pushing this date back since it was listed as February on their website not to long ago. Just a little FYI since there seem to be a lot of us waiting for this light to make its debut.

I've been waiting. I shall wait no more. I'm going Surefire.
PFloyd said:
I'm waiting with baited breath. Actually, I'm drooling.

Based on past experience, I hope you won't bait your breath too long....
HDS Systems has made missing deadlines into an art.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love their products. I have two of their fine EDC series. But I won't bet on them hitting the April/May deadline. I hope I'm wrong.

:candle: WP
Yep, I quit waiting a long time ago and will probably pass on this light now unless it really brings something new to the table...
Screw waiting for their new stuff pick up an old light and drop in a new emitter. THEN when the new stuff comes you won't be so tempted.
tebore said:
Screw waiting for their new stuff pick up an old light and drop in a new emitter. THEN when the new stuff comes you won't be so tempted.
That's what I am going to do when I get my Seoul's.
I have been waiting for these lights to come out!!! That is a bummer that they are pushing the date to April-May.
The mere fact of a two month window indicates that no one at Novatac is sure of the delivery date.
THIS is why the used lights have gone up in price! There is another thread asking why the price of the used HDS lights is going up. There may NEVER BE another HDS light. :lolsign:
Inside Novatec:

"Well, are we ready to start production of our new Luxon lights?"
"Too late for that. We should start with the SSC P4. It's the latest thing."
"Ok, change the date of our deadline. We have to have the latest technology."

one month later...

"Ok, now how's the production coming?"
"There's a problem. There's something new out called a 'Cree' that's better."
"Hmm. Guess we better retool and start producing Cree models. Push back our opening deadline."

another month later...

"So we're finally ready to start production now, aren't we?"
"We have another problem. Now there is something even newer called the Phillips Lumined that blows the Cree away."

"ARRRRRG!!! #$%@*@&#(*&&"
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Based on past experience, I hope you won't bait your breath too long....
HDS Systems has made missing deadlines into an art.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love their products. I have two of their fine EDC series. But I won't bet on them hitting the April/May deadline. I hope I'm wrong.

:candle: WP

FYI, it's "bated" breath. I hope you're not feeding yourself fish bait or anything...
Aaarrggggghhhh! My favorite light is a U60XR with the trits in a SS bezel. Carry it with me most days. I am really looking forward to what could top it.

They had them at the Shot Show, so I have to believe they have the kinks worked out and are just going through production glitches. Maybe they just want to build up enough inventory so dealer and customer orders aren't shorted. That's my hope, and I'm sticking to it.

zeeexsixare is right, it is bated breath. I notice things like that but didn't want to be a &u++head by pointing it out. But then, people saying they're going to "bring something over there" drives me crazy too. My wife tells me it's my problem.
I feel you... but it's really "abated." Who's turn is it to dance? :laughing:
May is the perfect time to release a flashlight
The days are very long and the sun sets late, perfect time to think about a new flashlight. At least the endless delays take the pressure off Surefire. Heck, we might even see drawings of the new Arc LS by then. Novatac will be entering a crowded field by the time they release their light. Hope they get it right.
When I see Novatac threads one word always comes to mind. Vaporware. Maybe they could ship their new lights with Duke Nukem Forver.
Doesn't matter if it's released in May of '07' or November of '07'. It will still be one of the best EDC lights in production.


Putting together a couple or three posts around CPF, I'm seeing this:

Novatac is using this new magical LumiLEDs LED. I say this because Surefire, who are using the Cree XR-E parts, have been reported as saying "we wish we got our hands on what Novatac has" at the SHOT Show.

Shortly after SHOT, there was a LumiLEDs announcement of a magical new LED that produces 500lm at 8.0watts, and will do your laundry if you ask nice. However, they were very vague about when the parts will be available, despite saying they will be "shipping soon."

Novatac, in the meantime, shows they do have working prototypes. These are, to my mind, probably using pre-production or engineering samples of the new LumiLEDs part - not suitable for prime-time, but good enough for a tech demo. Since I'm assuming Novatac -is- using this LED, that means they are constrained by LumiLEDs' ability to deliver the product.

Hence, the Novatac delay is due to a shortage of the new LumiLEDs parts, or an inability of LumiLEDs to produce adequate supply for their percieved demand. And, really...April-May isn't that far away.

Me personally, I've been jonesing for a tri/quad XR-E Mag Mod, but I'm starting to think I'll chill out for a while, and see what the next several months bring. My UWAJ Lux3 ML-1 is still awesome - I don't need to replace it. :)
I think it was "coming soon" in October or November 2006 too.