Novatac runtime question, 85P vs 120P


Mar 7, 2005
Sorry if this has been asked before. I am about to order either a 120P or an 85P and would like to know if there is a difference in runtime between these two lights at the 85 lumen level. If so, how much difference?

The Novatac website is not clear (for me) on this question. Both lights set to 85 lumens, does the 120P stay at 85 for significantly longer? Or, do they both drop down to lower values at about the same time?

I'm not sure if this has been completely answered, but from all I've read, both lights appear to be using the same LED, with the difference being that the 85 is restricted to 21 levels, while the 120 has 22 levels. So, to answer your question, I believe they will both get the same runtime when set to 85 lumens.

To see the actual difference this makes visually, check out this review/comparison:

I'll be interested to see if anybody has a definitive answer to this question, as it was theorized from the information available on the NovaTac website before the release, that because the 120P was using a more efficient LED it would get better runtime at 85 lumens than the 85P model. Still, I'm happy I got the 120P. That little extra bit of light is nice to have when I want it.
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