Now I've done it! Showed a G2 with R2 to...

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Sep 4, 2002
Shepherd, TX (where dat?)
...Secretary at work who said "Cool! Is that for me?"

She understands how much 123s cost, but LOVES the amount of light.

So what can I get her say 2AA that will make her say "Thanks!"

I think I'll go troll DX "AA"......
DX - 2AA? Ultrafire C3 1 x AA, single mode with 2 x AA extension tube for $18.98. Bright enough. This is my first and still one of my favourites. Currently running in 1 x AA with 14500.
depends how bad you want teh booty.

give her a cheap light an she might not put out :thumbsdow
Uh, Er.....

It's not like that dudes! I don't WANT any of that!

I just want to get a cheap light because I am not "made of money".

I looked pretty hard at RC-N3. C3 w/extension and others. All have one nit or another. Maybe not deal breakers but stuff like switches.

I want user recommendations.
The RC-N3 has the much coveted forward clickie.

The only issue I have with it is that you need to put o-rings around the AA cell in the tube closest to the LED, since that part of the tube can also accept CR123 cells.
Uh, Er.....

It's not like that dudes! I don't WANT any of that!

I just want to get a cheap light because I am not "made of money".

I looked pretty hard at RC-N3. C3 w/extension and others. All have one nit or another. Maybe not deal breakers but stuff like switches.

I want user recommendations.

I don't recommend a light that i do not own and if i do, i make it clear that i have not had the opportunity to test the light. The Ultrafire C3 was my first foray into LEDs and to this day i do not regret it and it's still one of my EDC lights.

1 x AA, bright. 1 x 14500, way bright. Comments i received in the flashlight wasteland where i live (Singapore) range from "why do you carry a flashlight?" to "DAMN! that's bright! How come its so bright but so small?" to " Where can i get that?"

With the 2 x AA tube, output is less but runtime is increased it gives flexibility in use at a very decent price. Non flashaholics do not want to spend much initially, that was how i viewed it, but now, $76 for a light? Wow, THAT's cheap!

I strongly endorse the Ultrafire C3 as a starter light, since its a single mode, whether its a forward or reverse clicky is not really relevant, especially with a non flashaholic, telling them "tactical on" is gonna lead to "huh?", get them the C3, let them play with it for a while THEN open the door to the world of flashlights and lead them in
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