NTC not available, now what?


Oct 20, 2007
Yukon, Oklahoma
I have been searching the you know what out of everywhere I can google because the Ametherm SL12 1R010 NTC is not in stock at Newark.

I went to the Ametherm company site and tried every place they said stocked their stuff only to find non in stock anywhere. Any ideas or another NTC that would work for at 5761? Will be using Emolis and more than likely not charging them fully at first to insure no insta-flash, then ramping up voltage .1 or .2 after that.

Bob E.
PM northernlights or jimjones
they might have some they will sell you
Thanks for the comments, yes I have the emolis and yes I have a Triton2 that will charge to a lower voltage level. However, it would be nice to have the NTC as a safe guard.

Talking today to Ametherm sales to find out who at least in the US has some of these. As some of you already know, Newark and IBS Electric is out of stock.

This is a very simple, easy way to keep bulbs from blowing everywhere at startup versus the much more expensive alternatives (which by the way I have coming in the mail).....this would also make it nice and easy to be able to set a novice up perhaps with an incan without breaking the bank any more than it would already, and you would have the confidence that it wouldn't be to fragile a set up either.

Other thoughts: Wouldn't it be nice if we had a 4 place battery holder that would take not only our regular AA, C, and D rechargeables but the more "standard" (in our world) Li-ions, A123s, and Emolis? I wonder how much a simple plastic injected mold would run for such a base and then leave the rest of the component build to us or using standard over-the-counter parts? Guess that's why Fivemega went to the on battery holder charger jack. I does solve many problems.

Bob E.
Bob E.
Other thoughts: Wouldn't it be nice if we had a 4 place battery holder that would take not only our regular AA, C, and D rechargeables but the more "standard" (in our world) Li-ions, A123s, and Emolis? I wonder how much a simple plastic injected mold would run for such a base and then leave the rest of the component build to us or using standard over-the-counter parts? Guess that's why Fivemega went to the on battery holder charger jack. I does solve many problems.

Bob E.

I'd love a bay type charger that took everything. I'd settle for an inexpensive, $20 or so, 2 amp charger for A123's. Injection molds are expensive. I would think that vacuum forming a base would work and not be anywhere near as expensive. You can make the mold yourself out of wood.
I have been searching the you know what out of everywhere I can google because the Ametherm SL12 1R010 NTC is not in stock at Newark.

I went to the Ametherm company site and tried every place they said stocked their stuff only to find non in stock anywhere. Any ideas or another NTC that would work for at 5761? Will be using Emolis and more than likely not charging them fully at first to insure no insta-flash, then ramping up voltage .1 or .2 after that.

Bob E.

The Siemens S237 range looks like it would do the job and is a stock item at RS. If I can remember the account details which I've not used in years, I can probably get some for you - however I'm in the UK so this will not be the fastest way of getting some.

This information may help someone who knows far more than me. I can get the full datasheet off the RS website but it uses Javascript so I can't paste in a link to it.
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Thought I would try to get some as well ( in Australia), got lucky and found semico.com.au which listed 169 in stock. Thought I might actually buy them all and distribute at cost as a group buy. Just got off the phone from them and it turns out that these NTC's are actually in the USA and their stock list is simply whats available worldwide. I got the impression that these 169 units are Ametherms total stock. Farnell in the UK has a grand total of 4 available. Might be a good idea for someone in the USA to buy all of these and set up a group buy. Grand total for all of these is under $150.00. 12 CPFs buying a dozen each would soon account for the entire world stock!
Lux, I remember that whole discussion. That is what got me to get some NiMH D cells and a whole bunch of Eneloops. Now that I have some Emolis, guess I need to modify my Voltcraft too.

Sure would be nice to have a couple of more though. I remember the discussion about that too. Even email Conrad about shipping them to me in US and they said no. Guess I need to hit the brother-in-law up again.

I may have a secret source for the voltcraft holders but will find out and post when I find out for sure how much we can depend on my "world traveler".

Bob E.
Lux, I remember that whole discussion. That is what got me to get some NiMH D cells and a whole bunch of Eneloops. Now that I have some Emolis, guess I need to modify my Voltcraft too.

Sure would be nice to have a couple of more though. I remember the discussion about that too. Even email Conrad about shipping them to me in US and they said no.

I felt the same way when the Emoli came out which were just long enough to not fit in my Voltcraft setup, so luckily I got a few extra, and made a 2nd one to fit the Emoli length. The darn things are just big enough that it makes international shipping a predicament. Conrad's website is quite clear about not shipping to USA or Canada due to high liability concerns.

There are a lot of UK and other Euro members on the CPF that anyone who really wants to get some of the Voltcraft can get them. Or just make your own custom cradle, or use magnet leads.
I have found two suppliers of NTC part # SL12 1R010.

Both have stock but min shipment of $50.

Mast Distributors

* 710-2 Union Pkwy.
* Ronkonkoma, NY, 11779
* Headquarters
* (866) 378-5312 Phone
* (631) 471-2040 Fax


E Electronics



  • 17191 Armstrong Ave.
  • Irvine, CA, 92614
There are ntc availabe. here is reply received today.

Good Morning - can offer you 50 pcs SL121R010 STOCK at $4.80 each, nc/nr. Our terms would be COD. Thank you.


Phone call to Newark.com and they report will back in stock first part of March
Thanks for the phone call Jim. I can wait until March now. Trying to decide if I want to get the brake hone and start paying with the C M@gs or just use D sized flashlights with the emolis. I really need to get a 3 C, or 2 C and cut it down and see if I can do that and the threading stuff. That way a guy could use a 3 C cut down for 2x emoli incan or one heck of an LED flashlight too.

After playing with my new ROP using the low bulb, I am thinking that the 5x emoli and some crazy bulb (458?) would be really, really fun. I got my 10 amp Juco switches in ON/OFF and momentary ON from Digikey couple of days ago....I think I am ready to start building even though all parts are not here.

Bob E.