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Oct. update on future wave status


May 1, 2002
Hi guys,

I think most of you know that I don't like to guestimate ETA's on my builds and waves and especially when I don't have all of the components on hand. However when there are set backs which make it clear that additional time will be required I feel I should give you a heads up.

In regards to the LunaSol27, I have just been alerted to such a set back. I have been waiting for the titanium head as well as the brand new BBM converter which is the mother converter board for the LunaSol27. The heads are now well beyond the original delivery date estimated but I have received a small first and partial shipment and presumably more will follow quickly. I had expected to have the BBM converters in hand by now as well but there were hold ups in the process. The BBM's were to be processed this week in a final assembly step when it was discovered that there is a problem with the circuit board that can't be rectified. New boards need to be ordered and populated. In addition to representing a loss due to scrapping, I suspect this represents a 3 to 4 week set back in time. This is a real bummer on many levels but it is a reality none the less. I see nothing to do but to move forward and I certainly don't intend to dwell on this nor do I want to discuss it further. I felt compelled to let you guys know because many of us have been looking forward to these lights getting done and out there! :sigh:

I also ordered more Ti PD-S sets as well as Ti S27-PD sets from the machine shop and although these were ordered well after the LunaSol 27 parts, I have recently received the PD-S heads in advance of the LunaSol27 heads. Given that my hands are presently tied on the LunaSol 27 project I will just put time into the PD-S lights and there may well be a wave of them prior to the LunaSol 27. :shrug:

I am also working on a wave of Aleph Mules coupled to a new Aleph clickie pak and these too may hit before the LunaSol 27. These are complete lights of nickel plated aluminum construction host to Cree XR-E (WoQ4 bin) driven at 275 mA by GD converters. What I still lack in hand on these is the clickie pak so this is why I haven't offered any pictures or posted of this light yet.
Thanks so much for the updates on the LunaSols, Don! Many of us have been patiently waiting, and it's always harder to handle the unknown. Having an idea of when the lights are coming makes the wait that much easier!

It's also great to hear about the aleph mules. If I remember correctly, the current crop of mules are driven higher than 275ma. Will the aleph mule be slightly dimmer than the current mules (or mule mizers), and will the GD driver allow us to use 2-stage tailcaps to provide a low and a high?

Don, sorry to read about the set backs on some of your flashlight projects. :( The Gizmo Folks like me will keep on watching & waiting (IMPATIENTLY! :eek:) and thanks for keeping us as informed on these lights progress as you are able. :thumbsup:

:eek:oo: Email sent! :rock: Keeping fingers crossed.... :nana:

Thanks for the update, Don! Sorry to hear about the delays - such is life! :) This just means I can spend the money I had set aside for the LunaSol on something else in the meantime! :laughing:

Good luck, and have fun! :thumbsup:

Don - thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about the delays on the LS27. While I eagerly await the LS wave, I also just as eagerly await the new Aleph Mules, and a chance at one of the new Ti PD-S waves. :D.


The 275 mA referenced on the Aleph Mules I am in process on is based both on theoretical drive level as well as measured level from a sample. I sited 290 mA on the mizer PD's based on a measured sample whereas in theory they too would be closer to the 275 mA. Since these Aleph Mule's host Q4 Cree's, I would expect them to be measurably brighter than a PD-Mule mizer but not necessarily noticibly brighter to a user. :shrug:

The driver in these is not a GD as I stated above (my error) but a NG driver so these won't be compatible with R123's but would be viable with a two stage switch in a user provided pak. I double checked on the actual LE's I have in the assembly process and realized my mistake here. Since these will be offered as complete lights with clickie pak, I had inteneded at one point to go with a Li-Ion compatability option at the expense of some efficiency and since a 2 stage switch will not be an option with the pak included.

The Aleph Mule is part of the open architecture so folks will have all kinds of options. I wanted to make some simple, one speed flashlights which have value in and of themselves but also as a portable representative of my Cree based 12V light fixture. This first wave I am doing has this added benefit for the fixed lighting application.
Thanks for the update, Don! A delay on the LunaSol27 is actually a good thing for me.
awesome License plate! Thx for the Update Mr. Gizmo! So now I have something to look forward to for Xmas:santa: (other than returning to Kauai!)

Don thanks for the update. I don't know about anyone else, but I for one would be very happy with a single stage mule aleph that can take R123s. I guess I can start buying some primaries again...
A little delay isn't a problem. At leat not for us. Sorry for your trouble though. Hang in there, bud! :thumbsup:
Hey guys newbie here, very very good things come to those who are patient.And these lights are well well worth standing inline,even sleeping in line,not eating and losing sleep over!!!! I hope to get a replacement Ti PD-S light with trit in the next wave.My PD III was stolen in a bad part of NYC.What really ticks me off ahout that is that the person who took it probly will let it sit once he goes to buy batteries for it;$4.00 here for a single A123.(rechargables only for me).I had given my buddy a surefire G2.A few weeks later I asked him were it was;he had given it to his kid and told me thier was no way he was buying replacement cells for it.They just don't get it. Jesse: Oh,buy the way before I got into this forum I did'nt know that I had A McLux PD III,I just new it was special and now this confirms it.Thanks for the welcomes!
I guess I can start buying some primaries again...

:candle: Stay strong Robb... don't give in!!!

Rechargeables or BUST! :rock:

As long as the Aleph Mule head is available separately, I'll be purchasing that and making my own LE with a SOB or a GD (or even the upcoming GDuP), as I'd give up a little converter efficiency for the benefit I see in using rechargeable batteries. :D

:tinfoil: john

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