Newly Enlightened
I know there are some very knowlegeable people here, which of these would be better and why??? I love the size and (photos) of brightness with 10440 batt.
Me 4. My wife needs a new keychain light, and it needs to be bright.Me three!
ElectronGuru, that is not a typo, the LOD-CE Rebel100 was made in limited quantities for ProLightJapan, they are also getting limited quantiities of other Fenix lights with Q5 WC.
i'd like to know the answer also. i'm looking at the LOD as my next purchase and dont know which one to get...cree or rebel.
i'm also interested in all the fenix's in general and dont know the differences between cree and rebel.
my most important criteria is which one has the whiter tint. second is a semi-floody light.
Mine hasn't come in yet, but the Rebel has a whiter light (less blue) and 10 extra lumens for the same runtime, on the same cell. I've also read that pocketed black Fenix's tend to look damaged after a time, so natural is better:
We have yet to see if the newer model can handle high powered cells as the Cree has proven to.
As for the mythical RB100 L0D, I'm wondering if the site is real or just a typo. In any case, there will eventually be a better version, just a question of when. I for one would love a L0T version with a two stage twisty. Turn a little for low and a lot for blinding!
As for the mythical RB100 L0D, I'm wondering if the site is real or just a typo.