OK, Rebel or Cree Fenix LOD???


Newly Enlightened
Sep 5, 2004
I know there are some very knowlegeable people here, which of these would be better and why??? I love the size and (photos) of brightness with 10440 batt.
i'd like to know the answer also. i'm looking at the LOD as my next purchase and dont know which one to get...cree or rebel.

i'm also interested in all the fenix's in general and dont know the differences between cree and rebel.

my most important criteria is which one has the whiter tint. second is a semi-floody light.

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I'd say wait (if you can) to see the specs and perhaps reviews on the L0D Rebel 100.

There is a thread I started asking about the Rebel 100 availability (now stores in the US mention only a Rebel 80 version). There you can find in a post a Japanese website that shows that a Rebel 100 exists (but no full lumen specs).

The Rebel 80 version of the L0D seems similar to the CREE version, but has a manufacturer reported max lumen of 60 (the CREE only 50).

So the Rebel 100 should have a max setting that is even higher.

Personally, I'd aim for the Rebel 100 version, provided the reviews, runtime tests, final specs, etc., are acceptable.
So far, I like the Rebels much more than the CREE. Too many ringy beam problems unless using a textured reflector. My LOP SE was modded by DatiLed to a Seoul and that's a great combo. Just three modes and a silky smooth beam with the Seoul.
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Mine hasn't come in yet, but the Rebel has a whiter light (less blue) and 10 extra lumens for the same runtime, on the same cell. I've also read that pocketed black Fenix's tend to look damaged after a time, so natural is better:

We have yet to see if the newer model can handle high powered cells as the Cree has proven to.

As for the mythical RB100 L0D, I'm wondering if the site is real or just a typo. In any case, there will eventually be a better version, just a question of when. I for one would love a L0T version with a two stage twisty. Turn a little for low and a lot for blinding!
illuminum-led.com(japanese website) has a review of the LOD-CE with xr-e Q4 and the results are very similar to their review of the LOD-CE with xr-e P4.

i emailed illuminum(also a cpf'r) asking why the same output.
his reply was that the Q4 has a higher Vf which causes less current to flow due to LOD-CE's circuit.

i would've prefered the cree but seeing that the Rebel has a lower Vf i would assume it's gonna be brighter than the cree version.

ElectronGuru, that is not a typo, the LOD-CE Rebel100 was made in limited quantities for ProLightJapan, they are also getting limited quantiities of other Fenix lights with Q5 WC.

ElectronGuru, that is not a typo, the LOD-CE Rebel100 was made in limited quantities for ProLightJapan, they are also getting limited quantiities of other Fenix lights with Q5 WC.


So thats because they have clout and know people. Don't we have clout and know people?? We're not CPF Inc, but we do hold sway, don't we? Then again, maybe they're paying through nose for this particular privilege. :broke:
i'd like to know the answer also. i'm looking at the LOD as my next purchase and dont know which one to get...cree or rebel.

i'm also interested in all the fenix's in general and dont know the differences between cree and rebel.

my most important criteria is which one has the whiter tint. second is a semi-floody light.


I have a P2D Rebel 100. The tint is slightly warmer than my Cree Fenix lights. My eyes see it as being more white but I make no guarantees!!
Mine hasn't come in yet, but the Rebel has a whiter light (less blue) and 10 extra lumens for the same runtime, on the same cell. I've also read that pocketed black Fenix's tend to look damaged after a time, so natural is better:

We have yet to see if the newer model can handle high powered cells as the Cree has proven to.

As for the mythical RB100 L0D, I'm wondering if the site is real or just a typo. In any case, there will eventually be a better version, just a question of when. I for one would love a L0T version with a two stage twisty. Turn a little for low and a lot for blinding!

I would definitely be interested in an LOT version as you suggest here. Just a simple twisting two stage without all the fancy stuff that I really don't need. I wonder if that's just "wishful thinking" though, because it seems that most of what is out there includes the silly blinking modes. You can get a single AA with the two stage setup, but I'd much prefer a single AAA for my front left pocket.
That's odd that some of you are seeing rings with the L0D-CE. I can see rings with my P1D-CE, but my girlfriend's L0D-CE is the most perfect beam I have ever seen.

I look forward to the Rebel 100 version with much interest.
I have a LOD-CE Cree and I love it. The beam is perfect and very bright with the 10440 cell. I would love to see a Rebel in this light to compair it to but I am very happy with the cree.
Well, I have two LOD CEs and while having nice beams...they're not perfect. They're not ringing either but the Diode does project some shapes. You can even see a wire if you look closely on a white wall. This shouldn't surprise people though, afterall it's a smooth reflector. I think the people calling this beam perfect are streching things a bit. The LOD CE is still outstanding though, especially with 10440s..which is all that I use. If you don't mind waiting about 10 days I think the Rebel will have even more pleasing beam characteristics. If you're not critical, the CE may suit you just fine. :)
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I might have gone with an LF2 if I hadn't seen beamshots of the LOD-CE, which are misleading. They don't show the numerous faint rings off to the side. Hot spot is pretty smooth (not perfect), and what I'll call the corona is pretty smoth also. But then come the rings of saturn. I would like a beam profile that spreads the corona all the way out to the edge (like a regular reflector does).
As for the mythical RB100 L0D, I'm wondering if the site is real or just a typo.

Two of the mythical RB100 LOD's arrived by mail today, in natural finish, and with textured reflectors! I'll try for some beam shot comparisons with my LOD Q2 and post them.

I love my Q2 so the reb's are gift's for my wife and daughter. They laughed at me when I told them how rare these are. Then the grabbed them and wouldn't give them back. I'll have to steal one to make the beam shots.

BTW, Pro Light Japan is very real, extremely ethical, and a pleasure to do business with.