Old E1L and New E1L


Newly Enlightened
Nov 25, 2007
Misawa AB, Japan
I have a question?

Is there a difference asthetically or mechanicaly between a 2 year old E2L and a new E2L's body. I know the heads are different (KL1 vs KX2), I was just wondering if anything else was different.

If I remember right, the new E1L and E2L physically the same as the old ones. You have to look at the bezel and see if it says KL or KX. The KL heads are either one watt Low dome, High dome, or three watt high dome Luxeon LEDs. The old head has a saucer shaped TIR and a domed pyrex lens. The new KX head uses a Cree XRE LED, a conical shaped TIR and a flat pyrex lens (window) some of the new heads have a frosted TIR and others don't. The difference is really that the new KX heads have a longer throwing, slightly brighter, and better spill beam. Also they have run times that are about 2 times longer or more than the old KL1.
Bodies and tailcaps are the same. Cree version have better output and pattern + extended regulated runtime.
There is a slight design difference between the heads. The KX1/2 models have slightly different designed heads...you can tell whether it is a KLx or a KXx without looking at the bezel for the logo.

Here's a shot with the KL1 - KX1 - L1 head

the KX bezel is slightly longer and the indents on the bezel do not go all the way to the bottom of the upper half like in the KL1.
Also note that if you are getting either KX head, they are not interchangeable between the E1L and E2L, the KX1 and KX2 are specifically made for the E1L or the E2L.
Also note that if you are getting either KX head, they are not interchangeable between the E1L and E2L, the KX1 and KX2 are specifically made for the E1L or the E2L.
Thats what I thought too but there is a thread somewhere here indicating that the KX2 will run on a single cell, although not optimally.