Old school Surefire KL3 mod help needed.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 22, 2005
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I recently purchased a first generation Surefire KL3. The tint is really horrible. I'm going to swap out the LuxIII for a T bin Seoul. I managed to remove the front retaining ring but then realised that it may also open from the back. If so; how do I remove the guts from the rear. Please advise....
If you already opened the bezel ring, you can swap the LED.
Why T-bin? :thinking: U2-bin is much better tnan T-bin.
Hope following photo help you.
The bezel ring comes unthreads but the lens looks like it is glued it. I tried to pry it but didnt want to break it.

I chose a T bin because that's what I have on hand. Maybe I'll hold off on the T.
Try smacking the front of the bezel DOWN on a table or counter top....it may be what is needed to free the lense. A lot of times it looks as thought the window is glued but it is just the rubber o-ring grommet stuck to the window.

As for the T-bin....I highly recomend a Seoul P4...the U2 bins are nice and cheap
How did you remove the retaining ring?

I have an old KL3 but have been afraid to mod it.

Thanks for all the info guy's; I got it apart. I also found why the beam color was so horrible...purple with a green corona :green: It appears to have a Luxeon clone in it; the fried egg looking ones.

No man that's not a clone. That's the original Lux I, nicknamed the "batwing". That is what came stock in all of those original KL3 heads.
Lol, Luxeon clone. :laughing: I remember when I got my first mod with a Luxeon. Batwings & green/prurplish beams were all that was around. I was so amazed by them. I still have a bunch of them.
I was thinking about the "clone" thing later on yesterday; I then remembered about the old batwing style of Luxeon's. I decided to swap it for a U bin Seoul P4. I'll save the T bin Seoul for something else.
I was thinking about the "clone" thing later on yesterday; I then remembered about the old batwing style of Luxeon's. I decided to swap it for a U bin Seoul P4. I'll save the T bin Seoul for something else.


Which method did you finally use to get the ring off? Heat gun/hair dryer or boil-in-a-bag? I have one that I was going to mod as well.


9x23; I used a heat gun to loosen up the bezel ring and then a pair of needle nose pliers to unscrew it. The lens ended up being stuck so slamming it on the work bench failed. I ended up using a strip of plastic from a juice jug to lift it up.

Pretty easy after getting hints from here. I'll post up beam shots when I'm done.

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