OLD vs New Mags differences ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
Well, as the topic implies I am trying to find the differences of the older non-prefixed C&D Mags compared to the new ones.

And how that applies scecifically to high power incan mag mods...

thanks, Kostas
Kospap, if i remember right the older mags had a wider battery tube so you could put an 8AA adapter without having to bore it out.
Yes, the battery tube is just a little bit bigger (~42mm vs ~39mm on the D lights) so they can fit 4AA across without boring. The body tube on the C size is different also, not sure by how much since I don't have one I can measure. But I once got shipped old C switches by mistake and they were to big to go in my new C light. The switch is a little different on the D also. It has a seperate base and bulb post just like the current C sized switches. And it is also held in with a screw in retaining ring insead of the fixed snap ring on the current ones. There is also a difference in the heads. The old ones did not have the threads inside the head go all the way through, there was a smaller diameter lip at the top of the threads. The newer ones have the threads run all the way through at a constant diameter. However, this particular change did not occur at the same time as the serial number/body diameter change but must have been done later. There are some smaller diameter lights with the D serial number that still have the lip in the heads.
thanks for the info guys! Now if there was a cnace to get a 16AA adapter half of it serial the other half parallel!
I was thinking about that... It would be easier with 4 wide, 3 wide would have to team up 6 cells into 3 and be rather difficult.
on a second thought what about the switch regarding dessasembly and sicket interchange (cannot remember who sales a metalic replacement post, but I have saved the thread)

enjoy, Kostas