Olight T20 Q5 vs. Fenix P3DR100 outdoor beamshots


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2006
New Mexico
After reading all the reviews of the T20 Q5, I bought one. I thought I would post a few pictures to show the difference in beams. The shots were taken at 10:30pm. Target cactus was at 30 yards. Both lights at highest level on 123a's. I thought I would also throw in a 3x123a Inova T3 (2007 reflector) and a Tiablo A8 Q5 as controls. The camera was at 35mm, f/2.8 at 1 sec of exposure for all shots.

First, the wonderful Inova T3 K2 light.

Next, the P3D R100

The T20 Q5

and just for fun, the Tiablo A8 Q5

The T20's picture is a little deceiving, Only the spot is slightly blueish. The spill is a cool white.

I actually like the beam of the P3D100 better than the T20. But I like the T20's beam. Had my M1-R had this beam, I would not have sold it. Again, simply my preferences. The Fenix light up a bigger area, but the Olight has the brighter (but smaller) spill. The Tiablo is brighter than either the Fenix or the Olight (though harder to put in a front pocket), and all the lights KILL the Inova.

The nice thing about having both the Fenix and the Olight is that carrying both lights is easy so I will always have a backup if one should fail. They are both great lights and small enough to hold together in one hand...giving you over 300 lumens of light in a fist sized package. Not too bad.
Great shots!

I continue to be impressed by the P3DR100's color-rendering. :thumbsup:
Was the white balance locked to daylight on those shots? I also find my P3D Rebel to have the best color rendering out of all my LED's.
The P3D has a warmer beam than the Olight. The Olight has a cool white beam with a blue ring around the spot. I think I forgot to change the white balance back to daylight. I had been shooting under flouresent lights...sorry. The Olight looks a little bluer than normal...other two lights are spot on however. I am still amazed at how bright the Olight's spill is...almost as bright as the Tiablo. The Fenix has the best color of any light I have ever had.

Also, my old Pelican 7060 had the same beam color as my Fenix. I have seen other reviews where the 7060's the reveiwers were using had a much cooler beam. Maybe my Olight has a cooler beam than many. Thats the led lottery. However, I still like it and I am pretty picky about tint.
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My measurements of a T20-Q5 and an P3D modded with a Q5, both at the highest output level running with 2 - 3.6 volt Li-ion cells, are:

T20 - 3678 lux @ 1m, 78 minutes run time
P3D - 3350 lux @ 1m, 67 minutes run time

So the T20 is an insignificant 10% brighter (that is, of the main beam), and gives 16% more run time with these particular cells. I like the memory feature of the T20 interface, but don't like the strongly defined beam nearly as well as I do the more diffuse P3D beam. When I want a lot of throw from a small light at the expense of a narrower beam, I carry a D-Mini, which has just about twice the main beam brightness of either the T20 or P3D (but half the run time).

Assuming that my measurements are fairly typical, the choice between the T20 and P3D is mostly one of beam shape and user interface, which is entirely a matter of personal taste.

My measurements of a T20-Q5 and an P3D modded with a Q5, both at the highest output level running with 2 - 3.6 volt Li-ion cells, are:

T20 - 3678 lux @ 1m, 78 minutes run time
P3D - 3350 lux @ 1m, 67 minutes run time

So the T20 is an insignificant 10% brighter (that is, of the main beam), and gives 16% more run time with these particular cells. I like the memory feature of the T20 interface, but don't like the strongly defined beam nearly as well as I do the more diffuse P3D beam. When I want a lot of throw from a small light at the expense of a narrower beam, I carry a D-Mini, which has just about twice the main beam brightness of either the T20 or P3D (but half the run time).

Assuming that my measurements are fairly typical, the choice between the T20 and P3D is mostly one of beam shape and user interface, which is entirely a matter of personal taste.


I could not agree more. Each light's strength creates a weakness. The Fenix has a easier to click switch with your thumb, but it is harder to tailstand than the T20's more recessed switch. The T20's bigger bazel gives it more throw, but therefore a smaller spot and slightly harder to put in a front pocket.

I am glad I have both lights. They compliment each other more than compete with each other.
Hi woodrow, thanks for those clear outdoor shots, from pictures, I like T20 beam more in outdoor, however, after playing my P3D Q5 and T20 Q5 for a week, I think I prefer P3D's UI, but anyway, I am happy I have both like you said.
I think that both lights together would make a great hiking combination. They take up hardly any space, and on their lowest settings will last for days. The T20 is bright enough that I have been taking it to work with me the last few days instead of the Tiablo. It really is a great light.

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