omg did you see that? he caught his own pass?

im still not sure who she is other then she sings music lol. only non metal music i listen to is lady gaga becuase damn her voice is amazeing even live gaga sounds great
My ears are so bad now even with hearing aids music becomes painful to listen to. 70's rock like Boston, Journey, Doobies and Beach Boys. Kansas,Fleetwood Mac and Kiss to name a few i can recall 😂
In the 2000's i went country but now i rarely listen to music. Only when my wife plays some do i sit and try to enjoy but it's tough.
When we went to loud concerts i would wear earplugs (before i had hearing aids) and use them to adjust the volume so i could hear but control volume so it wasn't too painful.
I'll add it's not just loud music but going to the movies and other attractions that may be loud i have plugs. Getting old sucks. But my goal is still 100. What can i say i'm a glutton for punishment.
I have the ear pain and full time tinnitus also, from many years of playing in loud rock bands in front of Marshall stacks and big drum sets, with no ear plugs. Not to mention, hundreds of concerts, dirt bikes, shooting, big stereo systems in the vehicle, etc. etc. etc. Seemed like everything fun was loud, and back in the day, no one tried to educate us about wearing hearing protection.

@raggie33 , I didn't know you were a metal head. Koool. I'm more of a classic rocker and progressive rocker, some fusion, and even bluegrass, but no modern country and no rap.
loud music hurt me to many years of haveing my headphones so loud i even added amps to my walkmans .
Well funny that our experience is hard to pass the word on to my boys. They like loud music and loud movies loud anything and when i try and warn them it's "what do you know your old" seems that's an oxymoron or something like that? Yes we are old and been there done that. Just wish i had listened more to my old man or old experienced people in general.
Mine wasn't loud music per-say but i attended loud concerts (a few) but my down fall was flight line and jets in the air force. Running the pump on a fire engine. Running code 3 with loud sirens. It all adds up.
That's why i to mostly listen to the one hit wonder band tinnitus. 😂😩
i was and am still into bands like iron maiden . triumph, kiss, trouble, love hate, pantera, metalica , megadeth ,little cesser, eletric angels. stryper, scorpions and so many more my old mind forgets at 12 am on a tuesday lol
Well funny that our experience is hard to pass the word on to my boys. They like loud music and loud movies loud anything and when i try and warn them it's "what do you know your old" seems that's an oxymoron or something like that? Yes we are old and been there done that. Just wish i had listened more to my old man or old experienced people in general.
I've counseled a few young men saying to them: "When you're 65 and your wife whispers - "Make sweet love to me." you're going to want to be able to hear her."