One Light and only One for One Month (Update with 3 days left)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 23, 2008
below polar circle.. in country which used to make
Re: One Light and only One for One Month (Minor Blip Update)

argh... loosing a light is always a painful experience.. even if its just brief misplacement issue. i feel sorry for your loss.

wouldnt be much of a flashlightholic if i didnt ask "what was your backup light when you noticed the main test light missing.. and did you use it before getting the other ra clicky?"

in spirit of this thread of yours i have come to agreement with myself that i will do a similar thing with my lights. this will happen later this summer, maybe month from now. (when the darkness ends and summer really begins and one realisticly will not need a light when going out in midnight.. only need one in dark places inside the buildings)

i will carry one light and only use it for a week (cant do a month, 2 weeks is my absolute max).

i will keep a backup with me, but not use it unless the 1st fails.. it is only as backup and spare battery carrier.

-oh and happy to hear you got 7th too.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: One Light and only One for One Month (Minor Blip Update)

Another week gone by, how is it going?


May 22, 2005
Re: One Light and only One for One Month (Minor Blip Update)

One light for one month is going ok. I'm getting a little antsy because I want to carry a Maratac AA Stainless which I purchased prior to starting this thing. What has really made it frustrating was there were 2 days when I forgot my light at home and even though I have lights at work, I couldn't carry them.

There have been a few times when I really wanted to uze a zebra light headlight but because of my self imposed limits, could not. Anyway, if there were only one light to use, I think the Ra clicky is as good as any other and probably better than most.

For your informatoin, these are the lights purchased since start of test.

Ra Twisty with red low.
Glo Tube
5 Maratac AA's for gifts.
1 Brass AA Peak.

Hey, just because I'm only carrying one light for a month doesn't mean I have to stop investing in others.


Chauncey Gardner

Dec 21, 2009
Near the foot of Mt Shasta, CA
Re: One Light and only One for One Month (Latest Tally at end)

y 11 of the test and a minor blip along the way. As you know from my name we have a lot of kids. We actually have 7 now as of two months ago but I can't figure out how to change my name on here, but anyway, my light has gone missing. I was using it one day as a night light and now it is missing. As I wanted the experiment to go on, I have replaced it with another Ra Clicky (I have a few, yeah thanks Henry for designing awesome lights that makes people a little obsessive).

So although I haven't used the same light, it is the same model, etc. as the original and as soon as the original surfaces, I'll use it.

Hope this doesn't kill the study, I just don't know where the light is.

Anyway, I have enjoyed the light immensely. I just bought a Maratac Stainless AA before this began and although I've been aching to carry it, I'm really happy with the Ra Clicky. It does everything that I need it to, I've dropped it from about 4 feet onto brick (twice on accident) and it looks great and keeps working fine.

Let me know what you think about the replacement. I don't think it voids the test but I welcome your opinions.

Couple of comments:

Fun thread, wish I had your problem with all the Ra's around coming & going as they please. Almost as bad as the kids.
Try grounding them (the clickies).

Can't change your name, so you'll have to put one of the kids up for adoption.

I think we can give you a pass for your minor slipup in scientific method on this one;).

I think I need to check out a Ra clicky & have some of the same minor gripes about clips in general.

I think if cost were no object, I'd carry a Tri-V after seeing some of the beamshots & reading the feedback.

Continue having fun Dadof7.


May 22, 2005
Re: One Light and only One for One Month (Update, with 3 more days left)

Only 3 more days of this test. I've learned a few things:

Having only one light is duable, but make sure it is good and make sure it is reliable. I spend two years in Chile in the early 80's with a mini mag and that was o.k. except for the times my bulbs burned and I had to have them shipped from the U.S.A.

Having only one light can get kind of boring if you like lots of lights.

It is still good to have a backup just in case. (There have been times in the middle of the night when I've tripped on something because I wouldn't use another light).

And lastly, I have way too many lights if I can go one month with only one.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 23, 2008
below polar circle.. in country which used to make
one Can manage with only one. heck majority of humans go along in their lives without any.

lowest number i can imagine surviving with now is hmm.. 5. and that is stretching it really thin. hahah..

so. will you continue this next month with different light? (and this time carry a backup just in case)

-my vote, pick something that is not considered as bombproof as RA this time as your main edc.

Chauncey Gardner

Dec 21, 2009
Near the foot of Mt Shasta, CA
Re: One Light and only One for One Month (Update, with 3 more days left)

Only 3 more days of this test. I've learned a few things:

And lastly, I have way too many incredible & awesome lights to go one month with only one.

Edited for reality:poke:.

Waiting to see if you torture yourself next month:grin2:.

I'd now say the Tri-V would be my choice after seeing some of the beamshots w/ the ashperic & other le's. Simply amazing light, price be damned.


May 22, 2005
Today is the last day and I don't even have the light with me right now. I left it in my bike bag when I went mountain biking yesterday and forgot to take it out. So, this morning I cheated a bit as one of my daughters was looking for her glasses and it was still dark. I took out the Maratac and turned it on and gave it to her. And then I rushed off to work and there it still sits in my bike bag.

I'm really glad this is over as of today. I will probably be posting some of my excess lights soon as I really have too many. But I also look forward to carrying some different lights.