Owned some kids last night!


Newly Enlightened
Oct 15, 2008
We were having a bonfire last night (about 30 of us) and as we are sitting around the fire, I notice someone shining a green laser pointer at us. I found it was coming from a group of kids 2 houses down (I heard them snickering) so I grabbed my Jetbeam M1X and and lit them up! 700 Lumens in their face. Needless to say they stood there for about 10 seconds frozen and then ran back into the house.

I figured that wouldn't be the end of it, so I waited about 30 seconds and then heard them again, I switched to strobe mode and I hit them again as they were peaking around the corner and all I heard was "AAAAHHHH OOOOHHHHH MAAANNNNN"
and that was the last I heard from them hahaha :wave:

Thought I would share!
I figured that wouldn't be the end of it, so I waited about 30 seconds and then heard them again, I switched to strobe mode and I hit them again as they were peaking around the corner and all I heard was "AAAAHHHH OOOOHHHHH MAAANNNNN"
and that was the last I heard from them hahaha :wave:

Thought I would share!

Nice job, BW! Hopefully they've learned their lesson about aiming lasers at living creatures. :whoopin:
Welcome to CPF you wass-ca-we wabbit!

You should talk to their parents about them shining lasers at people. If they do that to cars or aircraft...
Totally awesome!! Love stories like this, when i first joined CPF, all i had was a 2xAA P4 light from Ultrafire but it was the brightest light i had. When i was out fishing at the beach a buddy came by and showed off his "new" 3xAAA, battery casing, 9x5mm LED showerhead light.

He was shining me in the face with it and bragging about how bright his light was and i told him i had just gotten a new light too, he scoffed at me and asked how many LEDs it had, "one" i replied.

"ONE?!?!??! Ha, you'll never beat my light", scoffed he-who-was-about-to-be-educated

*scoff scoff*

*BEAM from P4*

"#($%(*#@&$(*#%^ was that?!?!?!"

"Oh, ONE led light"

That's funny!

I was at a bonfire a couple of weeks ago and my kids and all the other kids were playing spotlight. My kids were the only ones with torches, stock led mags, and some of the other kids weren't playing properly and coming out once they'd been spotted.

They thought they were too far away to be indentified so I walked over to where my son was standing and shone the TK40 (turbo mode of course) in the direction of where the other kids and the first thing I heard was, "Ouch, that hurts my eyes!"

They played nicely after that.

While I don't condone face blasting on people that don't deserve it, those kids with the laser pointer most certainly did! :twothumbs
A few semesters ago my dorm floor was plagued by wandering drunks more than usual. It got to the point that sleep was something you better do in the evening, because they would keep you up all night screaming and so forth.

One particular night I forgot to lock our door, and I heard a bunch screaming just outside my room. My instinct was to reach for a light when I got up to lock it, mainly to keep my roommate from waking up too, but the door opened before I could get out of bed. In walks two staggering individuals that were met unknowingly by my [then EDC] L2.

I saw the one in front squint and groan, backing up so fast it caused the one behind him to stumble. By the time I made it to the door I heard them trying to regain footing on the floor outside. I pressed the lock button and had a peaceful night's sleep that night.

Mind you, my L2 didn't disorient them to the point of falling, the beer did that, but it sure didn't help the future doctor and lawyer that came in on me that night. :twothumbs
if someone shines a red laser beam at you that's shaped like a triangle, just run ;)

...especially if you're the one wearing an MTV shirt and holding Ol' Painless.

But, having your chest blasted away is the price you pay for having the coolest weapon in the jungle.
A couple of months ago a group of lads (in their 20s) were shining a green laser at me whilst I was walking home from work, and deliberately aiming for my eyes. I pointed a torch at them, think it was only a Novatac 120 or Quark 123² but they were squealing about being attacked with a white laser.

It was funny for a couple of seconds but took a lot longer for the spots to leave my vision. I had a 15mw green laser in my pocket but wouldn't have dared hit them with it - not worth the risk and, in any event, rather rude! Darwin isn't working hard enough here, they weren't quite drunk enough to stumble under a bus.
