P1-CE, 123A peaceful venting?


Apr 29, 2006
Central Florida, USA
I've recently been using the P1-CE as a shower light to burn off some half spent 123A cells. to ensure sufficient cooling I maintain a coat of lube on the o-rings and leave it submerged in a plastic container full of water....for the cool factor of having water ripples on the ceiling when I shower:naughty:

yesterday night when I left it running while I was flossing for about 5 minutes, I noticed a trickle of bubbles emerging from the threading part. not alot of bubbles. So I dried it and unscrewed the body, there was NO WATER behind the O-ring nor was there water on the cell/light contacts.
the P1-CE refused to light after the disassembly and the cell was slightly warm despite the chilled body in the tub of cold water.

The battery was a surefire cell bought from lighthound, where it was used quite extensively in my Inova T1 until the regulator quit, thinking to test the cell in the P1-CE it lit up brilliantly and its been in it ever since.

I tested the suspect cell on the ZTS and no light, not even a click, when I used my voltmeter, indicated 3v so I left it outside, thinking the safety vent somehow my have opened. I installed a new battery in the P1-CE and it works like new. Has there been cases were cr123As release gas? I only heard of such cases during the charging of NIMH cells. the P1-CE has gone through at least 2 new cells and about 3 old cells with no problems.

I'm thinking that the installation of that battery I was in an air conditioned room and in the hot shower stall it developed positive pressure from the inside...but this isn't the first time the light has been used since the installation. so I'm really confused

dunno if theres a correlation but I woke up this morning with a major sinus issue...but I recovered after I took a morning walk...hasn't had a touch since.
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I'm not sure if this is on topic or not but when I get cells from lighthound they have a strange smell to them, almost like perfume. :|
IIRC there is a thread that demonstrates that 123A cells, when run DEAD do heat up at the end of their lives. This may have just heated up the light enough to expand the air inside and caused it to leak out.
Venting is also a possibility but I thought that this would likely show on the battery.
I also use a flashlight in the shower to use up 123a batteries, but I REALLY like the Inova X5 RED led version.

It only uses one battery, and the red light preserves night vision. Plus, it runs for EVER.
LOL, I did wonder... my mitsubishi CR123A's have a rather odd smell .. I think the same one ..
All lithium batteries I've sniffed make that smell after a while, one reason I want to quit using them.
IIRC there is a thread that demonstrates that 123A cells, when run DEAD do heat up at the end of their lives. This may have just heated up the light enough to expand the air inside and caused it to leak out.
Venting is also a possibility but I thought that this would likely show on the battery.

of about 30 cells now, this is the first that farted after it died...

its odd...when the cells die they register 3Vs on the voltmeter but zip on the ammeter...:thinking:
Why is everyone sniffing their 123 cells? I tried it and now I have one stuck up in my right nostril. Before I call the doctor or visit the ER which will be very embarrassing, any suggestions on here as to how I can extract it?:green:
Why is everyone sniffing their 123 cells? I tried it and now I have one stuck up in my right nostril. Before I call the doctor or visit the ER which will be very embarrassing, any suggestions on here as to how I can extract it?:green:

If your real name is Homer, just shove it in farther to keep the crayon company. :crackup:

Vyzygoth rocks!
Why is everyone sniffing their 123 cells? I tried it and now I have one stuck up in my right nostril. Before I call the doctor or visit the ER which will be very embarrassing, any suggestions on here as to how I can extract it?:green:
LOL, better just leave it there and shove a Cree drop-in up the other nostril. Then whenever you sneeze you'll get 150 lumens out of each ear and some interesting GITD stuff flying out of your mouth.
Could make a flashahol air freshener... just a box of new 123's with a fan blowing over the top ... and the best thing is you can use it as a storage container for your yet-to-be-used cells!
so this is normal.....and that the gas released is as safe as the Flashahol already released during storage?

something tells me this threads gone OT:duh2:

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