P3D Accross the lake


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 30, 2007
Cary, NC - Land of the CREE
Last night Flying Turtle(Geoff) and I went to Regency Park in Cary, NC to play with our flashlights and lasers. I was amazed at the distance my new P3D threw. I was illuminating trees across the lake at about 200 feet. I love me new Fenix. Had a great time last night Geoff. Thanks.

BTW...What was that Carl Sagan book you recommended to me again?

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Yep I'm impressed as well. The P3D has become my favorite light and serves my needs just fine.
the days are getting longer and the nights colder... when will she come back to me.
the days are getting longer and the nights colder... when will she come back to me.

I hope you get your P3D back soon. Have you tried calling Dave? I have talked to him a couple of times on the phone and he is a real nice guy. Has taken care of me real proper so far.

Best light I have owned hands down. I would like to get a rechargeable battery and a pocket clip. If anyone has either which they are happy with, please post.
I'm glad you are enjoying your light, I knew it was something special when i first held onto it. Versatility plus, the low is probably at a perfect level for me, and the high... well ! 200ft for such a little diameter. It really is the all round EDC imo. I also would like to see some kind of nylon pocket clip something sleek but robust with enough flex to latch onto slightly thicker stuff, with enough bite to hold firm. Maybe these will be made, it's not going to slow people buying them but it would be nice having a detachable option.

cheers bond006, for your kind words, dave's on it, it's just one of those things.
Interesting. I had to send my P3D back. The emitter was sooooooo faaaaar off center it looked like a $3 flashlight from the dollar store!! Actually not even usable. Have to see what they do with it...........
Interesting. I had to send my P3D back. The emitter was sooooooo faaaaar off center it looked like a $3 flashlight from the dollar store!! Actually not even usable. Have to see what they do with it...........

I guess I must have won the lottery then, because mine is as near to perfect as I could ask of a flashlight. My emitter seems to be as close to center as one could ask for. Sorry to hear about yours mate.

I was amazed at the distance my new P3D threw. I was illuminating trees across the lake at about 200 feet. I love me new Fenix.

I love mine too, What was the detail like at that distance? could you for instance see a guy standing there, i mean was it enough like to try and spot someone lurking around those tree's ?
That P3D was, indeed, an impressive light. It definitely was lighting up the trees. Made my Jetbeam CL-E (only Cree so far) seem kind of anemic. Great fun comparing our assortment of lights.

BTW...The Sagan book I mentioned was called "The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God." Interesting read.

I love mine too, What was the detail like at that distance? could you for instance see a guy standing there, i mean was it enough like to try and spot someone lurking around those tree's ?

Well, it was kinda hazy....so I don't think I was seeing the lights full potential. Also, there was no one walking on the path on the other side of the lake to try it out on. I will be doing more throw tests, but so far I am greatly impressed at the amount of light this little palm sized torch puts out.
Did the same thing last weekend except it was from a boat shining to shore. Amount of light on turbo was crazy.

Could light up lake houses from 100 feet or so (from the water) and made it look daytime.

Had a friend call it a night early and when we noticed his lights out in his house as we trolled by I shined the P3D at it. 150+ feet. It lit up a ton. I am sure it also lit up the interior of the house as well.

The next morning we were busting him about going to bed early, etc. etc. and he said "I saw the SPOTLIGHT you were shining on us."

Had one of those plug-in 2 million candle power boat spotlights on board and the P3D was brighter with much nicer and usable beam.
BTW...The Sagan book I mentioned was called "The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God." Interesting read.
I just got that for Father's Day (in advance). Anything and everything from Sagan will be a good read, IMO - he was brilliant, and an outstanding science communicator. Although I love all of his books, I find Contact to be the one I like most; so much of who we are as humans is in that book.

Wish I were back East and could play with you y'all...

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