P3D rechargeables


Newly Enlightened
Jun 15, 2006
I have the P1D and use rechargeables that I purchased from a recommendation from this site off of batterystation.com. Does anyone know if I can purchase similar batteries for the P3D. I understand that these batteries come off the charger at 4.3 volts. But I only use the flashlight at work in very short bursts, 30 seconds or less. I would appreciate any input, thanks.
No problem to use rechargeable. Unlike other Fenix, you won't loose the different brightness levels. On some older model, the tube might not fit some protected r123. You will have to try...
You can order directly from AW in Dealers Corner in CPFMP. You can also get AW batteries from Lighthound. I have 2 different chargers either 1 would work. Ultrafire WF-138 is for 3.0 or 3.6v RCR123s or the Ultrafire WF-139 that is only for 3.6v batteries RCR123 with 15mm spacer, 14500, 17670, and 18650. I prefer the WF-139, it's more versatile. Both places mentioned above carry the batteries and chargers.
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Great, thank you very much to everyone for your help. I greatly appreciate it.