P60 LED "dome" falling off/ P60 (2XAA) Suggestions


Newly Enlightened
Feb 20, 2010
I recently purchased a SolrForce light, and the drop in that came in with it was working fine until the little plastic lens infront of the LED. It still works but is doesn't throw at all. The funny thing is that i can push the little lens back onto where it was before and it works great for a little bit until it falls off again. I am not sure if this can be fixed. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, and if anyone has a spare P60 they would be wanting to sell i would be interested....

Here are some pictures. I will try getting beam shots tonight...

How it looks like when it has fallen off...


This is how it looks after i press the little dome back on. It stays this way for about a few days unless i knock it arround.


Would anyone know what brand this happens to be? I believe its a Solarforce but i'm not sure...
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Re: P60 dropin lens falling off

Are you saying that the glass lens fell out of the light or the dome fell off of the LED?

If the glass fell out, you've lost the bezel ring which holds the glass lens in place.
Re: P60 dropin lens falling off

Seems like your LED is damaged. I had a similar problem once with a cheap DX drop in. The LED was not centered properly and the reflector that screws in on the drop in sheared it off. You may need to replace the LED or do a warranty claim if you can.
Re: P60 dropin lens falling off

I've had this happen to me a few times.

The first one I tried to fix with super-glue; BIG MISTAKE. All the super-glue did was fog over the dome made it useless.

The next time it happened I used some ultra-clear sealant and the light still works fine to this day.

Here is the link for the Australian distributor, but I'm sure there are many other sealants you can use as long as they dry clear.

I found this one at an auto parts shop.

Re: P60 dropin lens falling off

:cool: you got a new flood light, should work fine, just no throw

Re: P60 dropin lens falling off

Yeah... that can happen. The XR-E dome is held in place with optical silicone (not adhesive silicone). They have been known to fall off, and there is some CPF history of this happening with some regularity.

my understanding is that dome lens helps to direct the light, and is what gives the XRE its beam pattern.

Yes it will still emit light, but the die surface has one less layer of protection from the elements. So its probably a matter of time until it dies completely. If you bought it fro man AD, and its under warranty the retailer should honor that. The LED should not just pop off like that.
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Re: P60 dropin lens falling off

:cool: you got a new flood light, should work fine, just no throw


Indeed! It's nice for lighting up the whole room. I guess its a multi-purpose bulb now, I can press the little dome back on and it stays on for a day or so... I shall try to e-mail who i bought it from to see if i can't solve it that way. If that doesn't work i will look around for someone who is selling one on the forums...

The XR-E dome is held in place with optical silicone (not adhesive silicone).

yeah the "goo" on the bottom of the dome pretty much just holds it on with suction. I wonder if it would be less expensive to buy a little to fix the light then buying a new bulb.

by the way i'll post some pictures tonight when it's dark...
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Re: P60 dropin lens falling off

Indeed! It's nice for lighting up the whole room. I guess its a multi-purpose bulb now, I can press the little dome back on and it stays on for a day or so... I shall try to e-mail who i bought it from to see if i can't solve it that way. If that doesn't work i will look around for someone who is selling one on the forums...

yeah the "goo" on the bottom of the dome pretty much just holds it on with suction. I wonder if it would be less expensive to buy a little to fix the light then buying a new bulb.

by the way i'll post some pictures tonight when it's dark...

I don't believe its repairable. At least I have never seen anyone do it with success.

The best way to repair it is to just swap the emitter. shiningbeam sells Q5-WC emitters for ~$6, already mounted.
Re: P60 dropin lens falling off

The best way to repair it is to just swap the emitter. shiningbeam sells Q5-WC emitters for ~$6, already mounted.

How hard of a project that would be? I am handy at fixing things, but very little experience with electronics. Also would i have to get a special emitter to work with 2XAA power? The current module is .8-4.2V.

I read on the SBflashlights site that .8-4.2V is recommended, but would other modules with a different rating work well with what i have (im guessing not)? Also are there different modules from other companies that would work?
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Re: P60 LED lens falling off/ P60 (2XAA) Suggestions

Well i finally got some beam shots, and i am absolutely confused. Originally for some reason i thought that the throw was much worse with out the little dome, but when i was taking pictures i found out the opposite (makes sense now that i think about it :duh2: . I am quite suppressed, and pleased with the results!

note the the emitter is not completely clean and still has a lot of that silicone goo on it.
note, the exposure on the photos is not all the same, my camera has out smarted me again...
forgot to mention, wall is approx. 9ft away.

Would cleaning up the emitter and leaving the dome off negatively effect the life of the LED?
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Re: P60 LED lens falling off/ P60 (2XAA) Suggestions

Would cleaning up the emitter and leaving the dome off negatively effect the life of the LED?
Since the same situation just happened to me, I thought I'd revive this thread and ask if the OP or anyone else could answer the question now.

The goop covering the emitter was making the beam look rather ugly, so I removed it all. I now have a bare emitter, and a dome that no longer sticks to the surrounding ring. The hot spot is a little smaller, but in the past few hours, I haven't noticed any other differences.
Re: P60 LED lens falling off/ P60 (2XAA) Suggestions

At high temperatures, some people with de-domed LEDs find brownish spots on or above the phosphor. You could try your hand re-potting it with some Norland UV-curing optical epoxy, or just run it until it breaks. It's a $15-$20 dropin, right?
Re: P60 LED lens falling off/ P60 (2XAA) Suggestions

Free de-doming and get double the lux in return! Not a bad tradeoff considering its a 15 dollars drop in!
Well, I had considered using some thermal glue to secure the dome, but fortunately, it occurred to me that it might be nice if it was optically clear.

Yes, you're right, the light is worth <$20. I'll look into that epoxy, and if it's not worthwhile, I'll just use the light until it dies. I'm actually interested in longer runtime, so in the meantime, I can look for a more efficient emitter.

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