P7 in HD45


Mar 26, 2005
I have an HD45 lux v with newBB. Anyone have any idea which driver I need to be able to mod my HD45 with a P7. I realize the NewBB puts out way to much voltage for the P7, so Im looking for alterantives. I am also running an 18650 lion. Any help greatly appreciated.
I know nothing about the HD45. Would a triflupic fit in place of the smaller BB?
I wonder if the DBx2 that the Lux3 configuraitons used would drive the P7 appropriatley. I dont recall the specs off hand and didnt see it listed on the sandwitch shoppe. I would like to keep it a dual bright UI if I can help it. Or I suppose if I have to do away with the Kilroy set up I can just use a different board and cycle through modes with on and off. The form factor of the HD45 is begging me to upgrade to a P7, Not to mention I cant wait to see what the Mcr45 will do with this emmitter. Thanks allot for everyones suggestions, all I have left is to get the right converter. Already have the CSXOI patiently waiting.
I've only seen pictures of the BBx2, DBx2, I'm not sure of the board size but the triflupic does look similar in size. So it just may fit. Can you measure the board size? The triflupic is .77".
Thanks Darkzero, Ill have to measure it when I get off work the light isnt with me right now. What are the Tri flupic's drive levels? Do you think an 18650 will be enough to drive the fupic and P7? thanks
Just measured the board, its around .68". so I dont think the Triflupic would work. I may just have to remove one or more of the step up converters and install a step down or two. My first time messing with converters in this capacity other than direct replacments.
Another bump to continue the discussion. If the OP doesn't mind I'd like to include other multi-die emitters as well. Could we cram an MC-E in there? The base of the reflector looks wide enough, but it might throw off the focus. Has anyone tried it?
Another bump to continue the discussion. If the OP doesn't mind I'd like to include other multi-die emitters as well. Could we cram an MC-E in there? The base of the reflector looks wide enough, but it might throw off the focus. Has anyone tried it?

The McR-45 should work well with the MC-E. So far I haven't used a popular LED around here that has not worked well with McR-38 & McR-45.

Haven't tried MC-E yet, someone did inquire about getting one done but not sure what happened. Not sure of the exact distance between the bottom of the reflector to the bulkhead but if you don't have room to mount the MC-E on a spacer then you will need to have the head machined so the MC-E will fit. I think there's should be plenty of room though.

Here's a Diamond Dragon in a HD45. That one was the farthest throwing HD45 by far I have seen to date.

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