Pelican M6 2390 Slated for Cree?

Jeff H

Newly Enlightened
Nov 4, 2006
NW Ohio
Forgive me if this has been covered. I have not been able to find it.

With all the Cree hub-bub going on, I am surprised that the Pelican M6 2390 has not been mentioned as a candidate for a factory Cree or as a mod. It had something of a reputation for a short time as having significant throw over the other production Lux III lights.

Pelican has not responded to my query (although they have been good about answering previous questions) and I have not found any threads on modding one with a Cree. Perhaps this is because it is something of a monster, size-wise and as flashlights go these days.

None the less, I like this light as it is easy to tactilely locate, register (feel which end is which) and turn on and off with even thick, insulated gloves. Not to mention that the light is a brute and seems fairly up to at least some amount of abuse.

I don't want to give it up but, as a "thrower," it is outclassed now and is not ideally suited to other lighting tasks which my other Lux Is and Lux IIIs already beat it at. Actully, as a "thrower," I never thought it was all that great anyway but I love the light.

What's the word? Is this one worth modding with a Cree? Something a "non-modder" might attempt?
that pelican m6 was a mistake buy of mine...

for that money, i could have bought some other better nicer lights...

which also has warranty...

on a side note, i bought one on the internet and THAT freaking main retailer/distributor here in Singapore isn't giving the warranty they claim on that freaking big box it came with....

lifetime warranty MY FOOT.
Luxson, FlashKat,
Thanks. I have one of those on the way actually. I wasn't certain it was going to fit or work but, for $12.50, it was worth a shot. It shipped yesterday or the day before. Once I get it I will report back on how it worked out.

I have been using Pelican lights for twenty years and have only had one warranty claim, which was answered promptly and to my satisfaction. If you are having trouble with someone honoring that warranty, contact Pelican directly so they at least know what's going on and correct it. They seem like good people to me and I am sure tey would want to kow what's going on.

Jeff H
I'd like to know also, although I bought both of mine used I think they are great lights
with some of the best beams around. I'll have to see if I can get the module open,
couldn't do it with my hands.
MARNAV1 said:
..... I'll have to see if I can get the module open,
couldn't do it with my hands.

Mine is glued. I can see gray glue at the seam. I do not want to risk destroying it unless I have a replacement in-hand. The above module is not an exact fit but I am curious how it will work out with some "body work."

It seems like such a "modable" format so I would assume people have been soupingthese things up but I am not seeing it.
My 2390 module is sealed with grey glue as well.

I haven't checked my 2330 yet. If this module fits I could put the DE module in my 2390 and move it's "regulated" LuxIII module to the 2330, or mod the 2330 with a SSC emitter, or in true CPF form, buy a new module for both. :grin2:

Let us know how the DE module fits in the M6 body!
not2bright said:
..........Let us know how the DE module fits in the M6 body!

I can do that. Performance report will be rather subjective, such as "yep, it's brighter" or "save your money." I don't have any more fancy test equipement than shining it across the back yard.

I just put fresh batteries in the 2390 and it's back up to snuff. I don't remember using it after the last fresh set so I think it was "on" in the bag at some time. The LOTC feature is a bit of a stretch as the head must be turned only just so much. If you screw the head all the way down, the tail cap will let the 0-ring in the back stick out when in LOTC mode. I don't like that about it. You can squash batteries with it if you're not paying attention.
chesterqw said:
if the de module fits in the pm6. i am sold... i will buy them!!!

Someone else posted that they had used this module in their 2390 but I could not find it. Wasn't sure if it was a privatre party or vendor. As I understand, it was a little long and a little small in diameter at the large end of the reflector. Mine shipped a few days ago so I will know in a week or two (I hope).

Three evenly spaced little epoxy blobs, filed/sanded to fit would fix the OD issue (will heat become an issue with no reflector to head contact?) but I am not certain about the OAL. Maybe trim the spring with a dremel cut-off wheel? My bezel ring is already about 1/64" proud due to the glass window I put in. If the module makes it stand out more, trimming of something (more likely the $12.50 module than the $85 light) will be in order. I will butcher it as best I can and report back.

The body parts of this light are so nice that I would think it a prime candidate as a mod vehicle or there would be "drop-ins" available from someone. I was hoping that Pelican would step up since the 2390's claim to fame (all fiftten minutes of it) was "throw." It's a fair bit less expensive than most Surfires and right on par with many imports but has an exceptional warranty, although real mods would likely void that, it still says something for its quality. Can't see letting it become "too old to rock-n-roll" when it's "too young to die."
MARNAV1 said:
I agree Jeff, I'm keeping mine modded or not.

Still a great light, Cree/Seoul, or not. I don't have to "keep up with the Joneses" but if there's some efficiency to be gained, I'm in. Extra light will be great as well. I am thinking that, if rechargeables will fit in the tube, there should be no warranty issue as long as the original Lux III module is not the one that needs to be replaced.
Eleven days after DXT said the module had shipped, it was in my mailbox (NW OH).

Packaging was worrisome - just a padded envelope but, no damage.

I will TRY to post some pictures later tonight but don't count on comparative beam shots, run-times and Lux readings. I am not set up for all that. I will take it out back after dark and get, then give my, "impression."

Yes, it works, but with a little persuasion. It's not dark so I don't know yet what it's really worth. Is it a Cree? I wouldn't know a "Cree" from a blue spotted salamander's left kidney but it doesn't say "Cree" on it anywhere. The letters "ARES" ar on the board. The reflector is slightly smaller in diameter than the original and the length about equal but it's shaped a little differently and is not the perfect fit like the original.

After monkeying around for about twenty minutes I figured out that the spring on the back of the module was significantly weaker than the one in the tail switch and I was not getting a complete circuit with the switch closed. I stretched the spring on the module and, between what oompf it does have and the extra length, it "pushes back" enough on the front cell that the circuit will complete and, voila, light! Quite a bit of light for that matter but, when you're peering intently into the *&^%$ thing, you're going to get that impression.

So far, for $12.50, I don't feel I did badly but I am waiting to see if it's a bonafide bargain when it gets dark. I know just how far I can ID things with the 3W original and I will know if I am getting more throw. I should also be able to get a fair idea of the overall light output (comparatively speaking) based on the things I usually shine this light on outside.

There does not seem to be much "stuff" in the module so I don't know that it is regulated. I am used to working with larger electrical devices and all the pretty, painted little parts inside "components" are, well, just pretty painted little parts to me so, I don't know what I am looking for. No resistors or anything like that.

8:38 PM
Well, it's dark now but it's snowing so hard that all I can see is SNOW FLAKES!!:ohgeez: I did take it to all the dark corners of the house and can definitely say that it is significantly brighter and whiter. If the snow subsides I will try again. I have to upload pics to PB and that takes a while on dial-up so I may not get those up tonight.
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This is what the inside looks like. Took over an hour to upload two pics so, that's it. Had it outside. BIG difference in brightness, very white and great throw. This module is worth the $12.50 to upgrade your 2390. I would pay twice that for a genuine Pelican that was a perfect fit. Don't get me wrong, the fit isn't bad. Most people wouldn't notice.
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Yes, the Dealextreme and your picture both show the Cree emitter. The cree has a distince metal ring on the emitter and a line next to the emitter, and a white cermaic bottom.

Jeff H said:
Is it a Cree? I wouldn't know a "Cree" from a blue spotted salamander's left kidney but it doesn't say "Cree" on it anywhere.
Gunner12 said:
Yes, the Dealextreme and your picture both show the Cree emitter. The cree has a distince metal ring on the emitter and a line next to the emitter, and a white cermaic bottom.

Good to know, thanks.

I would rather have the Surefire or Pelican warranty behind what I am using but if this thing takes a dive, so what? It was $12.50 and I had it in a few weeks. Pelican and UK both gave me quick turn-around on warranty work but postage was about half what this cost me,... delivered. I think if you're looking for some cheap thrills until there's a Pelican upgrade module, this is the way to go. I have no idea what the runtime is, as I use it a few seconds at a time.